Horoscope Today: Astrological for April 29 2023

 Aries (March 21 - April 19)

It's not too late to squeeze in a little bit of fun before the Moon enters Virgo and your focus turns toward work and tending to life's personal details.

Today's perfect for setting up an appointment to take a pet to the groomer and setting up a calendar for your own health needs — grooming, facials, and even a menu for the month of May to hit your fitness goals.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You can be assertive, Taurus, and with the day starting off with a Moon in Leo, your voice carries weight with others. Today you are making big decisions and authority follows.

When the Moon leaves your home and family sector it enters the realm of romance and affection. The next few days are perfect for snuggling with someone you love. Single? Use this time to lay the foundation for love that you find in the future.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Think before speaking, Gemini. You have to be careful what you say in the morning as you could come across as pushy even when your intentions are good and you mean well. Tonight might lead to a change of heart, so you what you thought was important might lose its value.

This weekend, focus on the things that bring you comfort and provide a strong sense of emotional and mental peace and security.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Count your blessings, Cancer, and when you have the opportunity give thanks aloud to the people in your life who are always there for you.

Today is all about taking inventory of the things you have been given in life. It's always good to appreciate what you have.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Today your positive energy radiates in everything you say and do. And as the Moon finishes its transit in your zodiac sign during the morning through the afternoon, do things that make you feel good about yourself and your life.

Go through the closet and get rid of things you'd like to replace. Consider making a list of items you need to shop for.

Then, later in the evening, once the Moon enters Virgo, plan your weekend. Enjoy checking things out on Amazon to find deals. If you have a little bit of extra money, spoil yourself with something you like and something you need.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Tie up loose ends this morning and try not to have anything from work linger into the weekend for you. The Moon will enter your zodiac sign this evening giving you a big boost of energy.

You might feel tempted to use it to clean the garage or go through the house from top to bottom during a Spring purge. Do what you need to do but also remember that it's good to have fun and enjoy the simple things in life, too.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Friendships are a gem for you, Libra, and you might decide to organize a nice get-together with friends for dinner or a movie. But even while you're feeling good about the crowd you're in, don't overshare.

You may have someone who misunderstands what you are saying and turn it against you. Instead, focus on the moment and keep your private life on a need-to-know basis with others.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Today something you do at work elevates your position or role. Even if a boss or supervisor does not say something to you directly, you're on the radar, but in a good way. Something really good is coming your way, and you may find out what it is after the eclipse this May.

The Moon entering Virgo tonight encourages you to up your networking game. If it's been a while since you've updated your LinkedIn, be sure to make a post and plan to become more active.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Prayers get answered, Sagittarius. Today ask the universe for what you want. Your requests do not fall on deaf ears and God hears your petition.

Once you ask for what you need, be sure to do the footwork necessary. As the saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves." Apply this philosophy to your own life.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You have good friends and people of influence who want to help you. Today ask for what you need. If you have to apply for a loan, do the application now.

If you need to reach out to a family member or friend for some assistance, today can be a positive receipt for your request. You'll feel respected and well-received tonight by people who know you well.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The morning is perfect for partnership, so if you are tasked with some type of group project, things flow nicely and you can get a lot of work done.

You get a pat on the back for doing something good, and your generous nature draws attention to your efforts either online or through your friendships. Today you

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Today you may discover some type of secret that you've sensed but did not have the facts to. The Moon in Leo may brings favor to your life and help you to find out the facts you need to know.

Later today, there's a shoulder to lean on in the form of a partner who you are close to and trust. The evening leads you to a strong week that brings closeness and positive energy your way.

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