Horoscope for the day after: Thursday 7 April 2022

ARIES (fire sign) March 21-April 20

Treat yourself to the right relaxation on this Thursday: after a few days that have seen you tired, today is the time to start thinking about either an evening with friends, beautiful and carefree, or even a little trip to do next weekend.  Discharge excess energy with physical activity, Yoga, sports or whatever else keeps you busy.  Creativity.  A Leo person will play an important role.  A person far from your eyes and from your heart today will think of you several times while someone close to you seems to be disinterested in you.  Great timing.  You will do the right things at the right time.  All communications will go very well.  You will be active and dynamic. ㅤ

The stars recommend: RELAX

TAURUS (earth sign) April 21-May 20

When it comes to making decisions, one can be pulled between the heart and the mind.  Such will be the riddle of this Thursday.  Listen to your gut and you'll end up making the right decisions.  Your family and loved ones need your attention.  Spend some time with them.  It is a good time to make travel plans.  You can travel in the next week.  Today you will find the reason for your partner's rude behavior.  You paid less attention than you should.  Today is the day to pamper your partner.  Take your partner out for a long drive or shopping trip.  To have dinner together.  Compliment your partner.  You will see the same freshness and sparkle in your soul mate again.  ㅤ

The stars recommend: INSTINCT

GEMINI (air sign) May 21-June 21

Open your heart to your partner or to the person you care about and love on this Thursday: no one will understand you better than those who love you or are interested in you.  Do good: give something to those who are poor, advice to those in difficulty, the right word to those who are drifting.  In short, do something for others.  Excellent opportunities to change jobs or take on new responsibilities.  For those who have their own business, the time has come to get busy, roll up their sleeves and work and commit twice as much.  In love, those who flee do not always win ... If the partner demands attention, do not spare yourself towards him!

The stars recommend: CUDDLES

CANCER (water sign) June 22-July 22

You will have a truthful dream on this Thursday.  Good mood.  Go to the cinema, to a concert, to an exhibition or to the theater.  News, communications, travel.  Be careful with fire and electricity.  Don't listen to unnecessary gossip - it could be fatal for you to get involved in unnecessary gossip.  Rather, try to work to bring peace to your environment.  Try to identify among your acquaintances someone who, in silence, cares about you.  If you are interested, try to stimulate him.  It is not easy to unplug and you should do it for as long as it takes to restore your strength.  Do something new to distract yourself and give yourself that mental rest you need.  Those who live in a clandestine relationship today should pay particular attention to their desire to shout it out to the whole world.

The stars advise: FEELING

LEO (fire sign) July 23-August 22

Today be particularly cautious in all respects: be careful when driving, where you put your purse, purse and keys on this Thursday.  The long-awaited opportunity could finally knock on your door.  Do not deny yourself this opportunity.  If you are in conflict with your partner, run immediately to clear up any misunderstandings or some discussion that has seen you intolerant and adamant.  It may indeed dig deep into your relationship.  you will meet an old acquaintance who could brighten your day.  Let yourself go to relax.  Today try your luck moderately: do not let yourself get carried away but spend something to try some fault of luck.  Today is a good day to catch your luck on the fly.  ㅤ

The stars recommend: LUCK

VIRGO (earth sign) August 23-September 22

Someone is still in love with you and could step forward again leaving you amazed and amazed on this Thursday.  After all, great loves make long laps and then come back.  Take care of your nutrition better and follow a healthy and balanced diet: if you feel the need, contact a serious and reliable nutritionist.  If love seems far away, feelings ignored and trampled on, try to take advantage of a small breath of novelty that will be offered to you in the afternoon.  But to make the most of it you will have to strip yourself of ancient prejudices and clear your heart.  Well the first part of the day for most of you, but you'll have to sweat everything.  Maybe something good is being prepared but you will have to sweat to get it.  Well the evening if spent with friends.

The stars advise: HEALTH


LIBRA (air sign) September 23-October 22

There will be some personal event in your life that will hold you back and hinder your progress on this Thursday.  Try fixing these things if you really want to save yourself from some serious problem.  Try to question the value of relationships;  dignity can be a decisive factor in terms of the input to be given to the relationship.  You are a free bird and commitment is not for you.  So better not get into it if you can't handle it otherwise learn to be clean with your partner's possessiveness.  Single people may seem calm and composed but unfortunately they can be struck by thoughts of an unforgettable past love affair!  Moving forward is the only way out!

The stars advise: MAGIC

SCORPIO (water sign) October 23-November 22

This Thursday you will be able to discuss some important issues with your relatives.  Try to be loving and kind in your conversations.  If you can't handle any situation, leave it for now rather than overdo it.  Attend meetings in the evening if you want to lighten your mood.  Focusing on issues of faith and spirituality will benefit you.  Stress from your job or from other areas of life can affect the harmony in your relationship.  Small problems can take on disproportionate importance today.  This can lead to a strong disagreement over a minor issue in your relationship.  If you are single, plan some relaxing activities on your own.  The day is not conducive to communication as there are chances of being misunderstood.

The stars recommend: CONFIDENTIALITY

SAGITTARIUS (fire sign) November 23-December 21

You will make every effort on this Thursday to resolve a central problem that is dominating your life right now.  You are very likely to step away from your social and even financial obligations to take care of them.  However, you should know that rushing will not solve anything constructively.  Patience is the key here.  Nobody's perfect.  The day is perfect for taking your relationship to the next level.  If you are single, you can choose to enter into an exclusive relationship and if you are already doing well, then a marriage proposal is in the air.  However, things can't go on unless you take things into your own hands.  You have to show some initiative here.  The day is conducive to communication and there will be no chance of being misunderstood.

The stars advise: PATIENCE

CAPRICORN (earth sign) December 22-January 20

Today Mars seems to invite you to be with yourself: this Thursday it will be difficult to find the right harmony and there may be some nervousness that has been inside you for some time.  Of course it cannot be said that you will be in a good mood today.  Yet there is an unexpected event around the corner that is about to brighten your day.  Take for granted the small fortunes that will happen to you: even if it is not a very good period, they will always be comfortable.  Excellent results that will reward your courage in some choices.  However, you may need the advice of a friend.  Take advantage of it.  For some cases you have recently submitted there are difficulties and delays: you could try other ways that at the moment appear more viable.  Someone might just be interested in your help.  Love does not smile at you for now, but an important lightening arrives that will make you think again about your real possibilities.  Excellent health which compensates for that sense of loneliness.

The stars advise: CALM

AQUARIUS (air sign) January 21-February 19

How many times have you wanted to be alone with your partner and speak from the heart and feel understood?  Know this Thursday that the partnership of Venus and the Sun today could propitiate you just what you want.If you are thinking of setting up a house, make an adequate project and review those already in place: do not take the longest step.  News coming from institutions and municipalities.  Today you will want to devote all your free time to a new hobby, you will relax and your body will regenerate.  Settle a situation try to do it definitively, clearly and irrevocably.  Certain problems carried over too far can become bigger and more complicated to solve.

The stars advise: ACTION

PISCES (water sign) February 20-March 20

On this Thursday it is likely that you will discover a new unused source of power within you.  You will find that you do not need or are likely to receive any outside help to cope with the problems you have been facing.  You can easily deal with them all on your own and in reality there is a source of strength in you that you can rely on.  If you were constant or had two minds about how to commit to a relationship, today you will be able to come to a conclusion.  Those involved in a relationship can decide to get engaged or get married.  A shift in planetary energies today can cause you to evaluate your relationship in a new light.  If you had avoided commitments earlier, you will welcome them today.

The stars recommend: REFLECTION

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