Horoscope for the day after, Monday, April 4, 2022

ARIES: ★★★★★.  A day full of positivity, luck and good doing in many areas is looming for you, nice friends of Aries.  Generally speaking, it is advisable to take advantage of the good time to do something in the family environment that you particularly like, but that you have never 'dared' to propose.  Meanwhile, the sectors linked to daily activities, as well as in work, send the first signs of recovery: something is changing ... According to the horoscope of the day, regarding love, many can indulge your imagination, creating something special in able to whet the passion in the couple relationship.  Making this monotonous and partly disturbing period more interesting is not difficult.  You just need to want it, perhaps trying to involve your 'him' or your 'her' and, if so, even your own children. 

Single, the atmosphere will not change much compared to the past few days, this is good to know.  However calm, you will be led to be friendly and cordial towards everyone, this will favor serenity and peace, especially with yourself.  At work, you can use your creativity to go far.  Overcoming the problems that had previously arisen very quickly will not be a utopia at all. 

TAURUS: ★★★★.  Clear day, quite linear and positive in general, obviously not to be lived in a completely carefree way.  In fact, the period has been evaluated in the horoscope of April 4th with the four stars of normality, so adjust and act accordingly.  In love, if you are able to open up to the people you love most in life, you will have already grasped an excellent result. 

This could certainly be a day full of pleasant surprises, some of which can wipe out many of your bad thoughts.  This first day of the weekend, obviously experienced by everyone in a forced way at home, should not be taken as an ordinary day.  The stars invite you to do something different from other days: to create a point of detachment between the usual everyday life and this Saturday and Sunday, it is your (and also our) duty.  Single, the Moon will invite you to joke ironically with all those people who usually make you nervous.  There is and shouldn't be time to get stressed out, because life deserves to be lived with enthusiasm in any context. 

At work, the daily horoscope invites you to refine an existing project.  Satisfactory results will arrive soon. 

GEMINI: ★★★★★.  Certainly a positive day is coming, perfect enough to make this part of the week malleable especially in routine activities.  Let's say that everything will go smoothly, however to be more calm try to close any outstanding situations as soon as possible, whether they are at family level rather than friendship or work.  In love, you can count on the support of Venus: the planet of good feelings, entered the sign on Friday 3 April, already in splendid trine with Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and Mars. 

This out of the ordinary positivity will probably foster new emotions and the impetus in couples (even mature ones) will be skyrocketing.  The satisfaction of the partner will be irrepressible, happy to receive pampering, tenderness and a lot of renewed passion.  Single, Mars will surely be your best ally able to advise how to spend the many free time available in this early weekend.  Anyone who is possibly bored of being perpetually holding a mobile phone (read also on the PC or tablet), you need to look for something new to do, perhaps that knows how to give a different vision of life: why not try to read a good book?  Meanwhile, at work, your self-confidence will allow you to find new strength for new ideas.  Do it!  Even at the cost of reconsidering attitudes, opinions or points of view. 

CANCER: ★★★.  A weekend start is on the way to be kept under control, especially in social relationships, as well as in work relationships.  The reason?  The weekend day has been classified with the 'undertone' check mark, so a lot of caution is required on your part.  In this not very positive context, therefore, the horoscope for tomorrow sees you rather undecided on what to do, especially in love.  In more than a few cases, even if you are of few words, it will certainly be your unequivocal gestures that will let your partner understand your most intimate thoughts and feelings that you will certainly receive in return. 

How connected do you feel to your partner?  A lot, we have no doubts.  The invitation of the stars is not to disappoint the loved one, perhaps with the usual outbursts or with the usual anger (which never fails).  Single, you will have a fluctuating mood especially in relationships with others.  In part, this negative period could lead to being inconsistent with some choices made long ago.  However, know that the day will go on and on: at certain times you will feel open and available, at others decidedly intractable and grumpy.  Try to relax, only in this way will you begin to breathe a little serenity: have faith, everything will soon settle down.  At work, on the other hand, a rather tiring period is announced, certainly less rewarding than expected. 

Perhaps, at the end of the day, you will have to take a small step backwards, not out of inconsistency but due to the somewhat particular period. 

LEO: ★★★★★.  The day will be considered without any unsolvable problems for you of Leo, favored by a wonderful Moon present in your sign until 23:18, then it will transit in Virgo.  Perhaps, you will also have excellent choices in a variety of fields, as long as you know how to act quickly and decisively.  In general, new tantalizing horizons with an emotional background that could open shortly should also be noted.  In love, therefore, the horoscope indicates that for the most part you will be ready to fully live your feelings.  The stars on Saturday urge you to take advantage of the day both in relationships with your partner and with your children. 

Pure passion, recovering from mid-afternoon, could trigger a positive circle capable of restoring (almost) many romantic relationships to the glories of the past.  Single, some of you natives may have an urgent desire to chat with someone (friend, relative, work colleague), even just for the sake of hearing a voice capable of bringing back that feeling of normality that for some time seems to be lost.  It may also be helpful to call someone you know is going through a difficult time, who you may not have heard from for a while.  Take advantage of it to relax your mind: talking will be good not only for your interlocutors but above all for you.  At work, on the other hand, if you have embarked on a new path, you will soon have what it takes to achieve good goals. 

VIRGO: 'top of the day'.  The day in question today, the one relating to next Saturday, will be entirely good and comfortable.  To have wonderful feedback in the first place could be the sentimental field: excellent the Moon in transit in the sign at the end of the day.  The generous 'muse of poets' will undoubtedly give excellent opportunities to 'make' or possibly 'undo', obviously at your discretion and pleasure.  The horoscope for tomorrow 4 April therefore advises in love to have maximum trust in the stars and above all in yourselves.  Even Venus in some cases, first of all those with Gemini ascendant, will strengthen many of the love stories in crisis or dated, giving many of you a newfound understanding as a couple.  The birth of new projects to be implemented in the near immediate future is likely.  Single, no one will be able to stop your imagination on this day to dedicate to the weekend (at least with the thought).  You will draw up a long list of dreams to be realized and you will anxiously wait for the moment to make them blossom one by one: by thinking and acting positive you will have no obstacles for the latter to become reality.  At work, to conclude, with Mars in favor everything will be easier and more affordable, ready to devote maximum effort to your work.  Helping those who need it could give you some great satisfaction. 

LIBRA: ★★★★★.  The Moon in Taurus makes you more combative and seductive than ever;  among other things, you will be able to free yourself from some conditionings related to the family environment.  A recently launched work project is starting to bear its first fruits, even if there is still a long way to go.  Love gets hot, passion takes over with the arrival of evening ... 

Magical moments await you in love!  As a couple it would take some improvised to move the general situation: how about organizing a short trip at the last minute?  As for singles, the summer brings with it beautiful temptations: to give in or not?  The choice is yours with the relative responsibilities. 

SCORPIO: 'top of the day'.  Monday's zodiac predictions predict a great start to the week for many of the sign.  Those days that have just passed were not without thunderstorms and fatigue.  But from tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, everything will be better.  From today the climate, both internal and external, will be much better. 

Nothing transcendental, mind you, but the road will appear in easy descent.  As for love, the situation is on a sharp rise and really "hot" moments are expected.  The stillness and phlegm will give way to inventiveness and good humor: you know you have to make important decisions in this period, so you may feel a bit confused. 

SAGITTARIUS: ★★★★★.  Given the excellent period, the horoscope of April 4th invites us to close a door and start a new path.  This is the only way to achieve the desired serenity, both in the sentimental and working fields, otherwise everything will remain as it is now.  Let yourself be advised by the right person and open any doubt or uncertainty with the utmost sincerity, trusting every fear. 

Eventually you will be able to get back on the crest of the wave.  If you are single, however, this time you will really impress thanks to your excellent physical shape.  In work, the practical spirit is particularly strong and will allow you to solve some problems concerning everyday life without too much effort.  There will also be dilemmas to deal with but you can still do it. 

CAPRICORN: ★★.  Day full of confusion and not without tension.  Some accounts still don't add up and you start pawing also because you don't understand why.  Talk to someone who can listen and advise you without being intrusive.  In the professional field you don't have to expect too much from yourself but gain awareness of limits and try to overcome them without making them a disease. 

Give time to time, friend Aries, in every area of ​​your life.  As for the life of a couple, however, serenity in the last part of the day will give way to passion.  Single, analyzing situations before jumping into them is always a good idea, keep this in mind.  In some cases, something might happen that you really never wanted to happen ... 

AQUARIUS: ★★★★.  The Moon in Taurus puts a positive charge of energy on you, obviously to be used for duties but also for pleasures.  It's Monday and the week is about to start, so it will take time until next weekend.  Meanwhile, spring has already exploded outside, so no one forbids organizing something to do in the evening, perhaps in good company. 

As for love, the small couple's disagreements of recent days are already a thing of the past and emotional complicity will act as a glue to keep the relationship together.  However, minor concerns related to finances and even work are not excluded.  Calm down, your practical sense will allow you to get out of it at your best.  Don't be disheartened, this is the only recommendation. 

PISCES: ★★★.  The horoscope of the day, for Monday 4 April, heralds a not too easy time, especially as regards work.  Try to change words and attitudes instead of persisting in following the same path every time: perhaps it is not the right one to follow.  Life as a couple proceeds smoothly, even if the passion is sometimes overshadowed by the daily routine. 

Single, the intervention of a person who is very close to you will be important in solving a problem with an emotional background or linked to an important friendship.  Listen to good advice and then put it into practice right away, without thinking it is some kind of weakness on your part.

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