Horoscope of the next day: Tuesday 22 March 2022

ARIES (fire sign) March 21-April 20 Tuesday

Excellent influence of Jupiter and Saturn on your mood on this Tuesday: try to exploit this lightness to clear your heart from the rubble of the past.  Wrong time to ask for loans or small concessions: Jupiter will not help you with this.  Please postpone requests in this regard, especially in the case of mortgages.  Rather, take a day of quiet contemplation.  You cannot even imagine the consequences that uncertainty and lack of trust in you on the part of those who love you could have on your relationship.  It will be better never to cheat and be honest.  Good opportunities for those facing the search for a new job: it will be better for those looking abroad and out of town.  For those who work it will be appropriate to seize these moments.

The stars advise: CHANGE

TAURUS (earth sign) April 21-May 20

For this Tuesday, rest and relaxation will be the watchwords.  You have worked hard in the last few days and now it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Don't plan a big party.  Sharing your feelings with someone special can help you achieve a greater sense of accomplishment today.  Wherever you go there is something or another thing that reminds you of the days gone by when you made love with your loved one.  It can be expected that you no longer agree with them.  Don't regret unspoken things and certain things can't be changed, so let them be as they are!  Work to arrange re-evaluations of your person and possibly to obtain some bonuses

The stars recommend: REST

GEMINI (air sign) May 21-June 21

You are confused and unclear on this Tuesday.  Stop and think and ponder what you are doing.  Often the reason is the other way around.  Are you waiting for important news?  A decisive phone call?  Well those born on Monday in particular could be satisfied.  For the others there may also be a short postponement.  Beware that many gossip about you could soon turn into slander and defamation: do not expose yourself unnecessarily and try to fill any gaps that others complain about you.  Well everything related to affection and love: even if in the traditional evening you will find yourself dusting off old memories, after all, the present will seem better than your past.  Love and friendship today almost booming for those born in the morning.  For the others a pinch of monotony and boredom.

The stars advise: ATTENTION

CANCER (water sign) June 22-July 22

Sometimes a little patience is enough to overcome life's situations: okay, you've been through all sorts of things but how about following the advice to be patient on this Tuesday.  If you know how to extricate yourself from your commitments today, you will be able to find the time to cultivate some new friends that could give you a lot of satisfaction.  Take care today to be nice to everyone: today you will have to show your best side by preventing others from understanding that deep down you are suffering for love.  A period in which you will receive many messages: incoming calls, even unexpected ones.  Just don't worry about not answering someone you don't want to hear or see.  You will be sweet and charming.  The Moon offers you a secret feeling.

The stars advise: PATIENCE

LEO (fire sign) July 23-August 22

This Tuesday the time will be ripe to take some bold steps.  This is not the time to hesitate.  Instead, decisive action is essential.  Don't overdo the opportunities.  A leap of faith right now can drastically change your life for the better, even though it may not seem like it now.  It's also a time to reevaluate old relationships and cut deadwood.  We recommend that you look for opportunities to please your soulmate, despite following a rigorous training program!  Your relationship gives you the kind of love that others dream of and that is why you are ignorant of her.  Try composing a ballad or song to appreciate your loved one or frame some perfect memories.  ㅤ

The stars recommend: BOLD

VIRGO (earth sign) August 23-September 22

Take care of your partner more and take nothing for granted on this Tuesday.  Few things you have yet to learn: try to trigger a streak in your life by trying to understand others rather than being understood.  Do not postpone today a decision that you have long ago made: this is not on your side and is sailing against you.  The mood darkens, patience is reduced to a minimum: today you are a real loose cannon.  Do not let yourself be taken by this state of mind and try to recover the necessary tranquility in the evening.  Do not be afraid to speak as long as you do it at the right time and in moderation: do not regret being honest, you will soon understand everything at the convenience of having been.

The stars advise: MODERATION


LIBRA (air sign) September 23-October 22

An older person will give you some thought on this Tuesday day.  Planning and prioritizing has been your strength.  There is someone close to your partner ready to take advantage of your carelessness ... do your part and things will fall into place.  Keep calm and practice patience.  Someone might visit you today.  A financial deal is on the way that could prove to be a tremendous gain.  The day is perfect for passion and fire.  Romantic requests have grown in you, but you have underestimated the sympathy and power of your partner's feelings.  You just need to articulate your demands from the relationship and they would be more than the same.  Take advantage of this moment to start a more passionate time in your relationship.

The stars advise: PASSION

SCORPIO (water sign) October 23-November 22

Uranus will grant you some glimmer and some emotion on this Tuesday: know how to treasure it for the less positive moments.  Be content with what you have for now: do not try your strength beyond measure.  If you are looking for love, postpone it: this is not the right time.  Do not further aggravate your situation by trying to nit-pick with others: try to postpone and move on.  A friend will write you things that you will not immediately understand, then you will probably clarify yourself, but while waiting for the clarification you may make inappropriate decisions.  Every day is good for a definitive meeting, but today in particular it is love returns that play the lion's share.  Pay attention to certain situations artfully created by people around.

The stars advise: DIPLOMACY

SAGITTARIUS (fire sign) November 23-December 21

It will be likely that you will come across an unlikely experience on this Tuesday.  This isn't necessarily unpleasant, but it is likely to cause you to falter.  It can lead to a radical change in your outlook.  Don't be afraid to express your feelings, but this time it's better suited to putting the emotional needs of others before your own.  In particular at work today there may be situations from which it will be difficult to escape unscathed.  Your conviviality will impress others.  One of the friends you make today can prove to be very significant over the next several years, although it may not seem like that now.  You are in a good mood and ready to help your friends and family today.  But keep it to yourself and don't confide it to anyone.

The stars recommend: FRIENDLY

CAPRICORN (earth sign) December 22-January 20

Excellent agreement with both children and parents on this Tuesday.  Well meditation and personal reflection.  You will be practical, active and serious.  You will be able to accomplish many things.  Today do not let yourselves be robbed of your serenity by people who try to undermine your peace at the base in order to profit from it.  be strong, constant and above all courageous in your choices.  You are assuming the wrong attitude with your partner: this way you will not dig a spider out of the hole.  It's time for singles to kick themselves up and learn how to fend for themselves.  You will feel very sorry for how a person will treat you: just try to make them understand that they are hurting you and a lot.  However, have a diplomatic attitude.

The stars advise: CALM

AQUARIUS (air sign) January 21-February 19

This Tuesday the atmosphere of the day will be somewhat uncertain.  You need to be more cautious in dealing with sensitive people.  It is also a time for discussion and decisions.  You may be forced into unpleasant situations that you have avoided and make difficult decisions.  However, you will be able to make the right decision even under pressure and this will ultimately have a positive effect on your life.  Experimentation is the key word for the day!  Jokers planets today.  You can ask and allow yourself to do the strangest thing ever!  Dress retro, eat foods from different cultures, be spontaneous about what you say, take road trips and be strict not to let the world interfere in your chores.  Perseverance will reward you.

The stars advise: DECISION

PISCES (water sign) February 20-March 20

You will feel particularly nervous today.  But nothing to worry about on this Tuesday.  If you have any doubts about your past, put it aside.  You are not prepared to face certain topics, which not only do not compete with you but that someone tries to take on you.  Have more confidence in yourself: do not rush to carry out today's commitments and do it as exactly as possible.  It will help you win the esteem of others.  Do not be in a particular hurry to conclude a purchase: the resources at this moment are precious and Jupiter does not have you available for business.  Do not abandon a project that if cultivated could give you considerable satisfaction: you will only have to look for possible solutions to small problems.

The stars advise: PERSEVERANCE


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