Horoscope: Sign by Sign, the perfect journey for 2022

Horoscope: Sign by Sign, the perfect journey for 2022

When a new year begins, everyone hopes to have the opportunity to organize at least one trip to unplug from work, family or simply to have some fun alone or with friends.  For each Zodiac Sign, the Horoscope reveals which are the most popular destinations.  Let the Stars satisfy our desire to travel ...

ARIES - With Jupiter in Pisces for most of the year, you will want to experience the experience of traveling alone.  One of the best places to visit could be New York.  There will never be boredom and, by organizing in advance to spend a few weeks there, you will be able to visit many places of interest, go shopping, photograph the Statue of Liberty and eat pizza in an Italian restaurant.

TAURUS - It must be admitted that the past year has been very heavy for you and all it takes now is a journey to forget a disappointment of love or a business failure.  The destination you choose is not as important (European capitals such as Berlin or Madrid will do just fine) as the company you travel with.  Select a friend with whom you are in perfect harmony.

GEMINI - You are a person who loves being on the move and it is absolutely natural for you to organize multiple trips or trips throughout the year, even by organizing them at the last minute.  In 2022 you could even organize a trip to meet a person you met on social networks and who has greatly attracted your curiosity.  Would you be willing to go to the distant lands of Australia?

CANCER - 2021 did not end in a very relaxing way for you and you would definitely need to regenerate.  Jupiter in 2022 will advise you to plan a spiritual journey, to discover yourself and your inner world, the one you tend to forget from time to time.  The ideal destination could be India.  Meeting a Shaman will totally revolutionize your vision of life, get ready!

LEO - In 2022 there will be a strong desire to escape and to know and experience places other than those of origin.  Your travels could be real transfers of a few months (if not more), to discover new traditions and new cultures.  Asian countries will be the ones that will fascinate you the most, and if you've never been to Japan, you shouldn't have any doubts about your choice.

VIRGO - After the last few years of a global health emergency, you feel very stressed and you would love to find the time and conditions necessary to organize a trip to nature.  One of the most popular destinations could be the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in Iceland.  Snæfellsjokull is the very volcano mentioned by Jules Vernes in his book "Journey to the Center of the Earth".

LIBRA - You love being in company and it would be very risky to propose to organize a trip alone.  You are much more fascinated by the idea of ​​a romantic getaway with your partner, a sort of honeymoon that is valid even if you haven't married or just met.  To visit the most romantic cities in the world you don't need to go very far, but Venice or Paris will be able to satisfy you.

SCORPIO - In 2022, travel will be an excellent escape route for you to get away from family stress.  Even when you feel like resting at home, a little voice inside you will suggest that you plan a trip or join what your friends have already planned.  The destinations that will intrigue you will be many and in Europe you will be undecided whether to visit Prague or Amsterdam again.

SAGITTARIUS - Traveling for you is a lifestyle and you miss it because in recent years you have traveled little and you have even had to cancel many of the holidays you had booked.  For 2022 you plan to go to warm places where you can relax and enjoy the sea landscapes.  Among the most popular destinations there are certainly the Maldives, but Zanzibar or Mauritius will not disappoint you either.

CAPRICORN - This year Saturn will ask you to be very cautious in your expenses, but you are used to saving your resources and it will certainly not be a problem to organize at least one trip and possibly low cost.  Obviously you will make sure that it is compatible with the days of vacation that you will have available.  Thailand and Cambodia are two of the destinations that can be found marked on your calendar.

AQUARIUS - The stars are helping you to fill increasingly important roles from a work point of view and in 2022 you could travel very often for work reasons.  You will always have your suitcase ready to board a plane and reach new destinations.  The best trip could be in Dubai, in the city of the future, or in Silicon Valley, the cradle of technology.

PISCES - You imagine 2022 as a year of great recovery and rebirth.  You won't be particularly interested in traveling to work or visiting friends and family who live far away.  Your dream will be to travel only to have fun and spend carefree and relaxing days.  Ibiza could certainly be one of your favorite destinations, but Sardinia will not disappoint you either.



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