Horoscope for the day after: Saturday, February 26, 2022

ARIES (fire sign) March 21-April 20

If you are thinking of leaving your partner or separating, postpone the decision: today is not the ideal day for such choices.
Forgiveness is the logical conclusion of old stories: by forgiving from the heart you will receive new strength and energy.  Resentment only favors the fatal influence of Mercury and Mars, making you experience moments of anxiety and stress.  For those born on Monday misunderstandings with the partner.  For those born on Sunday and Wednesday in a bad mood at work.  Others will have a fairly monotonous and boring day.  If you love moments in company, take seriously today to withdraw with yourself to reflect on the meaning of your life.  Do not isolate yourself but take the time to reflect.  Don't rely on false promises.  Get a move on before it's late.  The art of arranging is not for you but at this moment you have no other choice.  Your past is now only the past: do not give yourself too many thoughts and above all do not damn your soul in an attempt to revive it.  Get away from it and you will discover how easy it is to start living in the present and build the future.

The stars advise: CALM

TAURUS (earth sign) April 21-May 20

Saturday will be a big day for you.  Your efforts can be rewarded in terms of money.  You will be inclined to buy the best of utilities for your loved ones!  Just be careful not to run out of the entire amount without saving a little!  Today you can spend most of the moments able to love with your partner since the meeting will be very passionate.  This is the time to solidify all those relationships that you have been ignoring in pursuit of romance.  These include your parents, your siblings, your extended family, and your friends.  You need to realize that these other relationships are no less important and provide a valuable support system for you.  You need to nurture them as much as any romantic relationship.

The stars advise: PASSION

GEMINI (air sign) May 21-June 21

Bring extra money with you to deal with any small unforeseen that may arise: today you are particularly distracted and you may forget something important.  Today some obstacles and problems seem insurmountable to you, but in fact they are because you always look behind you and do not severely sever all links with the past.Don't take anything for granted today: rely on your strength and try to solve the main problems.  Take care of punctuality both in appointments and in payments for anything.Don't try to force events: know how to wait patiently.  In love you will be tense and irascible: the fault of a transit that will negatively affect these days.
Finally a project that is particularly close to your heart will come true.  Good love for singles who will make new meetings.

The stars advise: ATTENTION

CANCER (water sign) June 22-July 22

It will be necessary to maintain a stable state of mind and think about things reasonably and logically before jumping into the dark.  This Saturday will be a fantasy time for you.  So, turn your head to romance and have fun.  Applying a fantasy to romance will work to your advantage, but the results could be very different if you're trying to be fancy in the workplace.  Winning an argument is very different from winning a heart.  You may have the ability to prove your point, but this will alienate your partner.  Give your love a chance to win an argument.  Let your love read your mind when you say nothing.  Help your sweetheart by taking a few extra steps and your partner will appreciate your subtle moves.

The stars recommend: FANTASY

LEO (fire sign) July 23-August 22

Today you might be disappointed by a person who contracts you about everything: in the afternoon some of you will do well to try your luck.  They could have some really amazing satisfactions and solve some of their problems. Who more than you can know what you like?  Then do not disdain to let people know what you would really like to receive as a gift.  Someone might really be thinking about it. Today, gossip will be wasted, even about you.  Try to better select your friends and keep some intrusive relatives at bay. How many times have you wished: now that he is close to you it almost seems that you do not care anymore. Do not pursue false myths.  Learn to evaluate your neighbor for what he is without deluding yourself.
Today it is good that you start thinking about renewing your look and doing some important shopping for your wardrobe: even the make-up should not be neglected.  After all, it is possible to renew oneself even with little and it is not said that large resources and large sums have to be committed.

The stars advise: CAUTION

VIRGO (earth sign) August 23-September 22

This Saturday you may receive limited resources that will prevent you from shaping your ideas.  Don't be anxious because you will have the chance to do the job of your choice by the end of the day!  You have a penchant for hard work and will enjoy freedom along with responsibilities.  You need to connect with your partner.  He was subjected to tremendous stress, but you worried about how it is affecting you and your partner's attitude towards you.  You must understand that love requires unconditional support and this is not the time to worry more about yourself rather than your partner.

The stars advise: ALTRUISM

LIBRA (air sign) September 23-October 22

An ideal day to carry out a good deed: it will expand your heart and you will know the joy of feeling useful and if they thank you, carry their thanks only in your heart.
Today a good opportunity could suddenly materialize either in love or for work: try to be ready and above all available.Every day is a race towards the resolution of things, at least the most urgent ones, even if, waking up in the morning it seems not never having to solve all problems.  Today it is the case that you are interested more and better in the person in your heart: he will need you and all your clean energies.  Let them understand that for you it is everything! For some, there are excellent initiatives in which they will be involved and which will serve to stabilize the present.  Make every decision thoughtfully.

The stars advise: WEIGHTING

SCORPIO (water sign) October 23-November 22

This Saturday you will need to prepare yourself for some good news, especially regarding your home.  Opportunities may arise that lead to a change of residence or plans to purchase a new home may be finalized.  Take advantage of positive energies.  If you've been considering a remodeling or remodeling project on your home or part of it, now is the best time to get the project off the ground.  This day can prove to be a turning point in your relationship.  You can suddenly start seeing someone close to you in a new light and this will allow you to make the right decision regarding the direction of this relationship.  You will now be able to cut away the deadwood and focus on those relationships that can actually make you stronger.

The stars recommend: RENEWAL

SAGITTARIUS (fire sign) November 23-December 21

Well everything that has to do with bureaucratic or legal matters.  Beware of impulsiveness.  Think before you speak.  A scene aquarium.  Try to change the air and make some new friends or to enhance some by eliminating those that seem dull and interested.  Plan something for this weekend that is not a trite thing that you are used to.  News for study and work.  Situations will unfold as you wish.  A Libra will help you while a Taurus will try to put a spoke in the wheel.  Today you will feel quite weak emotionally and will not be able to face some people who are causing you problems.  For today it is better to give up any confrontation or discussion.  Handle sharp objects such as knives, screwdrivers and saws with caution: you are distracted and could injure yourself.  As they say, you may find yourself woken up on the wrong foot: the mood may not be the best and you may have some setbacks that will make it worse.

The stars advise: TRANQUILITY

CAPRICORN (earth sign) December 22-January 20

You will work hard and party louder!  This seems to be your theme for this Saturday and it absolutely hits the spot!  The day can start with the normal work routine, but it can end with the celebration with friends and family!  You have a great sense of humor so you can choose to host large-scale events too!  This is the time to heal your relationships.  The planets are so aligned that you will begin to understand that it is best to let go of your old grudges and instead focus on rebuilding your life and relationships.  Problems will suddenly appear as they really are and you will realize how much you were swelling them out of proportion.

The stars advise: SDRAMMATIZE

AQUARIUS (air sign) January 21-February 19

There is someone who awaits your confidences to snatch secrets or ideas for projects from you: try to confide only in people you trust and appropriately proven in sincerity.
For those looking for a job today is a day in which new horizons can be opened and you could glimpse new possibilities and opportunities.  Do not be lazy and take action immediately to look for new ways too. Keep your opinions to yourself today, which particularly others seem not to be willing to consider them.  You will have some good ideas about a project you have in mind.Don't persist in looking for someone right now: it will only ruin the situation further.  Rather go out more and try to distract yourself more. Those born on Sunday and Thursday today could have an important and decisive meeting: make sure that your new friendship has clear who you are and where you are going.
Today you may receive an unexpected phone call: interesting news arrives in the mail as well.  Watch your diet.

The stars advise: DYNAMISM

PISCES (water sign) February 20-March 20

It will seem like a day full of contemplation for you this Saturday!  You may want to move from a current home location or even your current job.  Don't be in stasis;  it's worth trying to change.  You may get help from an unexpected communication from someone who has secretly wished for you!  You may come across someone who impresses you quite well as a person but you have mental constraints.  You want to choose some based on what they have to offer for you!  But love is not that demanding.  So if you want to love and you want to be loved you have to give up this ideology and believe in sharing!

The stars advise: CHANGE


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