Astrology: how to conquer and how to make Aquarius escape

 Astrology: how to conquer and how to make Aquarius escape

Brilliant and curious, this sign should never be put under pressure

Aquarius is a very curious sign and it is not difficult to capture their interest. The problem is that this interest can be extinguished even after ten minutes of conversation. 

How to conquer it - A great mind like yours wants to face broad-minded people who engage in activities that can somehow fascinate him. One of the characteristics of this sign is that it is comfortable on its own. So if he chooses to be in the couple, he does it to improve and bring something more into his life. Its convenience initially makes it unobtrusive and it will be necessary to immediately make it clear that its spaces will always be guaranteed. 

A good way to overcome it can also be to make the relationship arise as a strong friendship, which day by day becomes a little more intimate and finally romantic. Aquarius likes surprises, both give and take. It is not easy to understand whether or not some seekers are interested, but it will never remain indifferent to those who open their hearts. 

How to make it run away - Making an Aquarius run away is extremely easy and often happens without the slightest intention of the partner to do so. He leaves when he feels pressured or when he has the feeling that someone wants to keep him under control or organize his days. He does not like to plan activities that he will do with his partner too far apart (and for a long time Aquarius also means a week). 

He leaves when he realizes that the person next to him has values ​​and ideals that are completely distant from him. If he is a spiritual type, he wants a person next to him to be fascinated by the disciplines he studies. It is not made to live in symbiosis with the partner and, when it realizes that the story is going in that direction, it stops, leaves and disappears. It may seem like it disappears suddenly even at the beginning of your relationship, but in reality there is always a trigger. Even jealousy makes him tremble.

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