Mercury retrograde: a survival guide

 It has arrived: the first retrograde rotation of Mercury begins on January 14th. In the coming weeks we expect slowdowns and misunderstandings, which we must be able to deal with with a Zen attitude.

Mercury retrograde: a survival guide

And like every year, it has arrived: Mercury begins its retrograde motion on January 14, 2022 and will accompany us until February 4. Each time, with Mercury retrograde, a bit of panic starts because many of the dynamics we face in these weeks seem uncontrollable to us. After all, none of us want to send a message to the wrong person or argue because we don't understand each other.

All of these things, however, happen for a reason: our mind is saturated , to the point of being distracted or confused, and the Mercury retrograde periods come to help us decompress. We keep as our watchwords all those that begin with "re-": rearrange, reflect, rethink, reprogram .

What does Mercury retrograde mean

When we say that Mercury is retrograde we mean that the planet appears to be going backwards from Earth's point of view. In essence, it is as if he were retracing his steps to review the path already taken, and this is precisely how we must understand the retrograde phases: moments of revision . Mercury is the planet of communication, thought, codes - these aspects will function differently until February 4th , when the retrograde phase ends.

Mercury retrograde is certainly the most evident of all: in these periods we are faced with a series of inconveniences, misunderstandings, possibly some discussion or quarrel. They are certainly annoying dynamics, but they serve to give us a moment to slow down and reflect. The more we push and force things, the more complicated they will seem to us.

Each retrograde Mercury is different, depending on the zodiac sign in which it takes place and the relationships it forms with the other planets. On this occasion, Mercury is in Aquarius , an air sign with a strongly analytical tone: this retrograde phase is prefigured as a moment of reflection and analysis. In these first days, however, it is obvious that Mercury is in a conflictual relationship with Uranus - a planet linked to unexpected novelties, but also to technology and innovation. So, if already problems with technology are usually the order of the daywith Mercury retrograde, these early days seem prevalent. We may also encounter unusual dynamics on the Internet, or have particularly annoying interactions. Mercury goes retrograde several times a year and in this 2022 we will meet it again from May 10 to June 3, from September 10 to October 2 and finally from December 29 to January 18 2023 . Keep the next tips useful as always for all the appointments with dear Mercury that will follow during this year.

What to watch out for during Mercury retrograde

Malfunctioning technology
A great classic: Mercury retrograde starts and your pc starts to give problems, files are deleted, phone calls drop constantly, the connection drops during that important meeting. We must arm ourselves with a lot of patience and, why not, prepare ourselves in practice: save your most important data on an external hard drive, make a general backup, check that everything is in order.

Transport delays or journeys with small inconveniences
Precisely because Mercury is traditionally connected to travel, these also have drawbacks when it is retrograde: we see longer queues on the ring road because someone has decided to make a wrong move, trains delayed, or it is us. those who miss the train, day or time of departure. In short, if these trips seem like an odyssey in this period do not worry, everything is normal. The best thing you can do is pay attention to the details if you have to move.

Misunderstandings with the people around you
Of course, if the planet of communication goes backwards, even our way of communicating seems to have put in reverse: there are no words and, even when we manage to get the concept out, people seem interpret it the wrong way. It is quite common during Mercury retrograde to have arguments with colleagues, partners, friends - often, however, due to not listening enough (on both sides).

Typos in important communications
A corollary of the previous point: if we communicate badly it is also because we are distracted and this often makes bad jokes. For example, when you write an important email, you send it happy with the result and then you realize it was full of errors and small typos - classic Mercury retrograde situation. One tip: remember to re-read several times before sending.

From distraction, of course, not only typos in messages arise, but real forgetfulness - whether it's an appointment, something from the supermarket, a task. The most practical advice is to write down everything possible, but even better to keep the agenda as tidy and in view as possible. In this period, pen and paper are our best friends.

How to make the most of the Mercury retrograde period

Use this time to reflect
All retrograde periods are periods in which we are faced with the need to reflect and, especially with Mercury retrograde, taking the time to elaborate on certain themes is the key to better addressing the issues of the planet in question.

Review your plans
Faced with a period of reflection, it is also useful to review the plans we had made: are they built at a sustainable pace? Or did we put too many things on the plate? Have we set deadlines that we can meet? These are all aspects that Mercury invites us to re-evaluate, to return to action at the end of the period with a different awareness of what we want to achieve.

Give others time to express themselves
If Mercury is normally the word, the introspection of Mercury retrograde is also listening. These periods are here to also teach us to respect the spaces of communication, not to jump to hasty conclusions, to be active listeners. We try not to interrupt the people we talk to, if only to see how their conversation continues. In the end, listening to it also gives us time to think about what to say.

Reconnect with yourself and with intimate people
In these weeks it is best to focus on your bonds and safe spaces, which become the places where we can actually process thoughts in peace. This space can be the silence of your home, of the time spent writing your thoughts or meditating, but also in company, if you wish. Try to surround us with people who know how to listen and give a positive note to a somewhat fluctuating period.

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