Horoscope: a holistic discipline for each zodiac sign

 The Stars show us the best way to find one's physical and mental balance

Horoscope: a holistic discipline for each zodiac sign

Holistic disciplines are increasingly fashionable , according to which everyone, as individuals, must learn to find our balance both physically, emotionally or mentally, in harmony with our surrounding environment. These disciplines are really many and do not want to replace traditional medicine, even if sometimes they integrate it. The Horoscope reveals the holistic discipline that each Zodiac Sign should study or experience , to live in harmony with the Stars .

ARIES - When you commit yourself to learning a discipline, you do it with great seriousness and then try to propose it to others in a simple and genuine way. The holistic discipline that could intrigue you most is Pranotherapy, a sort of alternative medicine that aims to cure many ailments through the imposition of one's hands. You can feel the energy they have even when they feel very hot.

TAURUS - You are a sensorial person and the sense of smell is probably the sense that affects you the most during your days. Studying the effects of the different scents / smells you smell can be very helpful in understanding how they affect you or how they affect others. Aromatherapy, in particular, fascinates you because it studies the effects of essential oils on a physical, emotional and mental level.

GEMINI - Holistic disciplines for you represent a magical world, in which you like to immerse yourself whenever you have the opportunity. You like to read up, you don't always go into the things you study but you could definitely make an exception for Ayurvedic Medicine. Before proposing it to others, you prefer to experiment with how it works on you to treat insomnia, anxiety or various physical ailments.

CANCER - When you hear about holistic disciplines, you get a little skeptical and wary because you don't quite understand what it is. But ever since you discovered that “Pet Therapy” is also part of these, you are enthusiastic and have decided to be a great promoter. The cuddles of animals such as dogs, cats, but also horses or dolphins, are able to release emotions and live better any relationship.

LEO - You don't always get intrigued by holistic disciplines because people who tell you about them never seem charismatic or convincing enough. You have the soul of an artist and you like the idea that Art Therapy is one of these disciplines. Indeed, you are of the opinion that the use of graphic or plastic arts can really help anyone to express their true identity and free their emotions.

VIRGO - You are probably one of the biggest advocates of holistic disciplines, and when you get the chance, you experience some treatment. You are very intrigued by Acupuncture and the fact that in the body there are certain points that respond positively to the stimulation of the needles pushes you even more to deepen and study. Obviously, you never abandon traditional treatments either.

LIBRA - Your attention is always captured by anything that has to do with art, harmony or beauty. The holistic discipline that could best satisfy your requests is Crystal Therapy. Not only do stones have different properties and can be used to balance certain physical, emotional or mental imbalances, but they are also wonderful to wear as necklaces or rings or bracelets.

SCORPIO - You are not entirely sure if it falls within the traditional holistic disciplines, but you certainly cannot remain indifferent to the charm of Regressive Hypnosis. You like to experiment with it to try to understand how past lives can affect you in the present, but you also like the idea of ​​being able to learn to hypnotize others and lead them on this mysterious and interesting journey.

SAGITTARIUS - If someone were to ask you questions about holistic disciplines, you would probably have something to say about each of them. There are obviously some that you are more specialized in and that you have already positively experienced on yourself. One of these is Kinesiology, which makes it possible to obtain information on the individual's state of equilibrium on a physical, mental and biochemical level.

CAPRICORN - You belong to an Earth Sign and, when you hear about holistic disciplines, you always wonder if there is really something practical and concrete about them. Find what you are looking for in naturopathy. You are passionate about studying the most effective natural remedies to improve psychophysical well-being. Before giving advice to others, you prefer to check firsthand what benefits there are.

AQUARIUS - Holistic disciplines have no secrets for you and, if you haven't studied them yourself, you are sure to know the best professionals for whatever you need. Among the many disciplines that you have experienced with excellent results, there is Music Therapy. Sound and music manage to lead you to different vibrational levels, in which you can achieve a balance that allows you to perceive the entire universe.

PISCES - The benefits of Meditation are now known to everyone and there are neuroscientific studies that show how useful this discipline is to relax the body more, soothe the emotions and finally find some silence in one's mind. Listening to the breath is the best thing you can do at times when you feel a little anxious or worried about something.

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