Horoscope for the day after: Wednesday 26 January 2022

Horoscope for the day after: Wednesday 26 January 2022

ARIES (fire sign) March 21-April 20

On this Wednesday in Santa Paola you will make every effort to solve a central problem that has been dominating your life for some time.  It is your marriage or your relationship, which is affecting every aspect of your life.  You are very likely to step away from your social and even financial obligations to take care of them.  However, you should know that rushing will not solve anything constructively.  Patience is the key here.  Nobody's perfect.  If the world seems at peace, there is no logic to try a new door when contending with the first.  There is no end to desires.  But understand that if only you are stable in your relationship, you will be able to channel your energy for a better tomorrow.  Try not to hurt others.

The stars advise: PATIENCE

TAURUS (earth sign) April 21-May 20

Dedicate some time to yourself on this Wednesday in Santa Paola: after all, you are neglecting yourself too much and this is not good.  You may feel the need to have moments just for you that could be special.  Jupiter will cross your day for a few moments, making it bright and making you grasp some success and satisfaction.  We need to change our look, definitely.  Not that yours is no good, but if you want to impress who you want, you have to adapt.  Today some of your pains of love could be mitigated: some good news coming could make you smile again.  Dreaming of a better future with your loved one is legitimate.  Practice meditation.

The stars recommend: RELAX

GEMINI (air sign) May 21-June 21

On this Wednesday in Santa Paola, do not hesitate to solve a problem that afflicts you: try to face it openly and with courage.  For example, you could identify people who could help you with this.  Those born on Friday will find a valid help in the partner: often it seemed distant to you, but never as today will you feel how much you really love and is close to you.
Measure the words you will say today and curb your intemperance: today it is particularly dangerous to express judgments and sentences on others.  Someone around you may take advantage of this to put you in a bad light.  Excellent prospects if you are looking for a job: however, you must insist if you were born on a Thursday afternoon.  A friend gossip about you - beware of gossip.  ㅤ

The stars recommend: TENACIA

CANCER (water sign) June 22-July 22

Try to win the trust and consent of your colleagues or collaborators on this Wednesday in Santa Paola by showing that you are special individuals you can rely on: also be extremely reserved.  What will be confided to you remains with you.  Venus today does not favor you at all: a lot of coldness with your partner.  For singles, the person you are interested in will seem very far away.  Today an adventure could end: a clandestine or secret relationship could have an end.  This is because you have put too much heart and reason too little.  Try, if it happens, to get over it.  Today jealousy pervades you in a particular way: you cannot contain your jealousy and your anger.  Resentments.  You are on the high seas and you don't know how to behave.  Stop and think.

The stars advise: TOLERANCE

LEO (fire sign) July 23-August 22

Finish the things you started on this Wednesday in Santa Paola.  Don't be lazy and hit big hits by giving yourself more to do.  In the evening you may have contact with priests or very devoted people.  A phone call could mean that you have a new and good opportunity: try to seize it quickly.  Those who have a private or professional activity try to work more.  It is not by blaming others that things will get better.  Try to reflect more on your mistakes.  You flaunt confidence but there are many uncertainties within you.  Try to clarify your ideas to move forward on the right foot.  You will need advice from a friend or a very trusted person: also follow your common sense and intuition in a choice that you will be called to make!

The stars advise: DETERMINATION

VIRGO (earth sign) August 23-September 22

This Wednesday in Santa Paola you will be able to discuss some important problems with your relatives.  Try to be loving and kind in your conversations.  If you can't handle any situation, leave it for now rather than overdo it.  Attend meetings in the evening if you want to lighten your mood.  Focusing on issues of faith and spirituality will benefit you.  You will need a lot of patience to deal with your partner today.  Do not consider every problem, because this could disturb the peace and harmony in your relationship.  Even minor disagreements and negligible problems can turn into serious problems.  Silence will be golden today.  Keep calm and believe in the innate strength of your relationship and it will pass.

The stars recommend: CONFIDENTIALITY

LIBRA (air sign) September 23-October 22

Above all, you must recover the confidence and esteem in yourself on this Wednesday in Santa Paola.  Take every precaution to recover them.  You are so used to sacrifices and renunciations that it will not seem true to you today to have some lucky strokes and a thousand opportunities Jupiter looks at you with affection and smiles at you: know how to take advantage of it and start thinking positive.  Nobody can take anything away from you without your wanting it: so today, with extreme tact and education, face a situation that is creating discomfort and clarify the origin of this discomfort with a person.  Today, keep your tongue particularly in check if you don't want to get yourself into embarrassing situations that will be difficult to get out of later.

The stars advise: TRUST

SCORPIO (water sign) October 23-November 22

This Wednesday in Santa Paola you may have some problems with your means of transport.  If important work is taking place, double check the alternative mode of transport and have a backup plan ready.  You may be a little agitated from the inside.  But don't lose your temper as it is only a short stage and it will pass easily.  Spend time with your family.  Today you will enjoy a completely new and refreshing romantic atmosphere.  The warmth of your close relationships will pervade your day.  You may feel particularly loving.  Take the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with your partner and create good memories.  Today you can do something special for your partner and it will be greatly appreciated.  Singles will meet someone today. ㅤ

The stars advise: FEELING

SAGITTARIUS (fire sign) November 23-December 21

Postpone a purchase you had in mind for a while longer: on this Wednesday in Santa Paola you have to be particularly attentive to your wallet and saving could certainly do you some good.  Personal evolution: here is the summary of what you will experience shortly.  You will make important decisions by trusting your instincts and the fruit of these inner evolution.  Today's events may make you reconsider some people and evaluate situations differently.  You will be able to see in depth a situation and conceive a different solution to a problem.  You may be receiving unexpected confidences today, some of which will blow your mind.  Some good news on the sentimental front will put you in a good mood.

The stars advise: ATTENTION

CAPRICORN (earth sign) December 22-January 20

This Wednesday in Santa Paola you will have a sharp tongue and a logical mind.  But this skill of yours may suffer today due to your insecure nature.  Try to go with the flow instead of opposing as always.  Experience will teach you much more worthy lessons that the satiety of your ego will never be able to.  Later you will be comfortable and full of confidence.  If you were constant or had two minds about how to commit to a relationship, today you will be able to come to a conclusion.  Those involved in a relationship can decide to get engaged or get married.  A shift in planetary energies today can cause you to evaluate your relationship in a new light.  If you had avoided commitments earlier, you will welcome them today.  Beware of the ATM.

The stars advise: TRUST

AQUARIUS (air sign) January 21-February 19

You will likely discover a new unused source of power within you on this Wednesday in Santa Paola.  You will realize that you do not need or are likely to receive any outside help to deal with the problems you have been facing.  You can easily deal with them all on your own and in reality there is a source of strength in you that you can rely on.  It is time for you to step back from your relationships and take a look at the bigger picture.  You have become too tangled up in your gritty attitude and this may have caused you to lose sight of who you truly are outside of your relationships.  It's time to remove the clutter and judge relationships on their merit and make accurate decisions.

The stars recommend: REFLECTION

PISCES (water sign) February 20 - March 20

On this Wednesday of Santa Paola love and friendship today will travel almost at full speed for those born between 8.00 and 12.00 in the morning.  For the others a pinch of monotony and boredom.  Clarifications and discussions to come later in the day: a problem could be definitively solved.  Either in or out.  Drastic resolution!  Have faith in your creative abilities and make sure that your future projects have the necessary foundations to be developed and concretely make sure that your future improves, in every sense.  You will be distracted.  Little concentration.  Better not to do things that are boring or that might bother you later.  Avoid arguments and jealousy scenes.  Clarify everything calmly.  ㅤ

The stars advise: CALM


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