Astrology: the Planets of Virgo

 The Sign is dominated by Saturn and Mercury: let's discover their characteristics

Astrology: the Planets of Virgo

In the circle of the Zodiac , the Planets arrange themselves in the twelve Zodiac Signs in order to manifest different qualities in each of them. There are Planets who are comfortable in a Sign and others who feel repressed in their nature in that Sign. For each Zodiac Sign there is a Planet that is in domicile, exaltation, fall and exile. In the position of domicile and exaltation the Planets express their energies to the fullest. Instead, in the fall and in exile, only the more shadowy features of that Planet tend to emerge.

The Planets of the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo are the following:

Domicile - Mercury , the messenger of the gods, has his domicile in both the Sign of Gemini and in that of Virgo. It is precisely in this Sign that he is able to best express his intellectual skills, sarcasm and irony. Mercury brings movement in thoughts and favors the connection between various ideas. In the Sign of Virgo he strengthens attention and promotes a good memory. The analytical and logical skills are certainly one of the many fruits of Mercury in his home.

Exaltation - According to some astrological schools of thought, Saturn has its exaltation in the Sign of Virgo. It is easy to understand that a Planet that often has limits and restrictions finds itself so well in a Sign that strictly adheres to the rules that are imposed on it.

Exile - Neptune , the ruling planet of Pisces, has its exile in the Sign of Virgo. Fantasy, naivety and the tendency to dream are in fact dampened by a Sign that tends to be realistic / pessimistic. The Sign of Virgo is too lucid to accommodate the Neptunian fog.

Fall - Some astrologers claim that Venus is falling in the Sign of Capricorn, others in the Sign of Virgo. Indeed, the Planet of love finds itself uncomfortable in a Sign that tends to control everything with the mind.

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