Astrology: the Planets of Capricorn

 The Sign is dominated by Saturn, the Lord of Time, and by Mars, the god of war

Astrology: the Planets of Capricorn

In the circle of the Zodiac , the Planets arrange themselves in the twelve Zodiac Signs in order to manifest different qualities in each of them. There are Planets who are comfortable in a Sign and others who feel repressed in their nature in that Sign. For each Zodiac Sign there is a Planet that is in domicile, exaltation, fall and exile. In the position of domicile and exaltation the Planets express their energies to the fullest. Instead, in the fall and in exile, only the more shadowy features of that Planet tend to emerge.

The Planets of the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn are the following:

Domicile - Saturn , the Lord of Time, has his domicile in the Sign of Capricorn. In fact, it is here that he feels at home and is able to express his austere, cold, selective nature, capable of discerning what is useful from what is not. Saturn in Capricorn speaks of discipline and, in some cases, rigidity and inflexibility.

Exaltation - The Planet of War, Mars , is exalted in the Sign of Capricorn, which allows it to express its nature which, in a certain sense, can be defined as military. Mars in Capricorn is tenacious, stubborn, obstinate, imposes his rules in an authoritarian and strong way. He does not admit weaknesses or frailties and is unwilling to forgive.

Exile - In the Sign in which Saturn has its domicile, the star linked to emotions naturally has its exile: the Moon. The Moon does not find fertile ground in Capricorn and cannot reach a level of intimacy that can show itself in all its forms. Those born with the Moon in Capricorn must work hard to be able to understand their emotions and share them with others.

Fall - Some texts say that Jupiter , the Planet of expansion, wealth and prosperity, is falling into the sign of Capricorn as it is too arid to accommodate all of its fullness. According to other astrological traditions, it is Venus that is falling into the Sign of Capricorn. The Planet of love, in fact, finds too much rigidity and coldness to be able to manifest itself in all its sweet splendor. However, other traditions claim that Venus slowly warms up in this Sign as well.

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