Astrology: the Planets of Cancer

The Sign is characterized by the influences of the Moon and therefore by the emotions and the inner dimension

Astrology: the Planets of Cancer

In the circle of the Zodiac, the Planets arrange themselves in the twelve Zodiac Signs in order to manifest different qualities in each of them. There are Planets who are comfortable in a Sign and others who feel repressed in their nature in that Sign. For each Zodiac Sign there is a Planet that is in domicile, exaltation, fall and exile. In the position of domicile and exaltation the Planets express their energies to the fullest. Instead, in the fall and in exile, only the more shadowy features of that Planet tend to emerge. 

The Planets of the Zodiac Sign of Cancer are as follows:

Domicile - The Moon has its domicile in the sensitive Sign of Cancer. This is the world of emotions, of the inner life, of the most intimate desires of each individual. The Moon also symbolizes the nourishment that the Sign of Cancer often tries to offer to the people it meets along its sweet path. Symbol of femininity, the Moon in Cancer also represents fertility and motherhood.

Exaltation - According to some astrological traditions, Jupiter finds its exaltation in the Sign of Cancer. Jupiter expands what he finds and Cancer knows no bounds, neither when he is happy nor when he is sad. (Other traditions see the exaltation of Jupiter in the Sign of Taurus).

Exile - Finds its exile in the Sign of Cancer the austere Saturn , which is in fact the planet governor of Capricorn (opposite sign to Cancer). In the world of emotions, Saturn does not find fertile ground and loses determination and tenacity. 

Fall - Mars is unable to express itself in the Sign of Cancer and this is where it is falling. The impetus and aggression collide in fact with a too sweet and feminine nature. In this Sign, Mars loses its manhood and often brings great frustrations due to the inability to act in the midst of difficulties.  

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