Daily horoscope for August 16, 2021

Aries: March 21-April 19

A shock to your security could cause you to give up before you can even see the finish line. You may want to stick to the smaller stuff today, choosing to handle the routine issues that you know you can manage rather than trying to take on any new or bigger responsibilities. While you don't have control over what tasks you're handed, do what you can to stay in your regular lane, and you should be able to move through the day with ease.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

Agitation and frustration may cause you to slip up if you're not careful. While you're normally able to easily control yourself, someone may get under your skin today and make it hard to keep your natural composure. Teaching others may also be more difficult than usual now, so if you have to, let students or other less-experienced people in your midst be hands-on and learn for themselves. You don't have to hold their hands at every moment -- let them take the reins!

Gemini: May 21-June 20

You might make commitments today while you're in a good mood, but you may end up biting off more than you can chew. Even if you have a lot of energy while at home or around people you're comfortable with, all that vigor could fade the moment you leave your element. Focus on your corner of the world now -- that's where you'll be able to do the most good. Bigger challenges will still be there in the future when you have more energy.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Today is better for making plans than for executing them. The current energy supports you being verbally and mentally creative -- but it doesn't necessarily give you the crowd that you need to support your vision. If you try to delegate or give your instructions to others now, you could find that you end up with a result far from what you really wanted. Lay the groundwork by yourself. You can always hand others their piece of the big picture tomorrow.

Leo: July 23-August 22

Opportunities to spend abound today, but this isn't the right time. While someone might push you to buy something or to sign a contract right away, there may be hidden fees or missing details that you aren't privy to yet. Instead of jumping into the deep end without hesitation, save your money for a sure bet. If you let your cash burn a hole in your pocket and spend it all on the first offer, you could miss out when a great opportunity does come along!


Virgo: August 23-September 22

You're your own best advisor today, even if that doesn't quite make sense to you yet. The answers you need are probably already in your mind, and trying to seek out the help of more experienced people isn't likely to pan out the way it should. Your internal perspective will be more useful now than any outside perspective, even that of people you respect. No matter how well they mean, others just may not understand exactly what you need. Trust your instincts.

Libra: September 23-October 22

People that you don't usually turn to could end up being your salvation now. This may be someone that you don't know well or somebody you haven't seen in a while, but either way, today's best friend might be someone you wouldn't expect. Those that you'd normally go to for guidance are likely busy or might not truly understand what you're asking for. As long as you're willing to give back in return, you should be able to find all the help you need today.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

It's OK to rely on your loved ones if you're in need today. Before shunning the help or assistance of others, ask yourself if you truly have to do this on your own. Could you be trying to avoid getting hurt by controlling the situation? There's nothing wrong with being strong, but you don't have to fly solo when there are people who want to help you. While not everyone has their support system behind them, you likely will, so take advantage of that!

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

Leaving any festivities until tomorrow may be for the best. While you can be a powerhouse when taking care of business today, by the time you get home you might discover that your energy has been depleted. Agreeing to hang out with pals or start any home projects after you're done tending to work or other responsibilities could come back to bite you. Try to leave your plans as open-ended as possible, because you may find that once you make it through the door, all you want is to lounge around.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

Your familiar routine just isn't giving you the energy you need today. Breaking out of your everyday schedule to find inspiration will sound ideal, but those around you may discourage this. They might not see the need for you to take a short trip somewhere new, especially just to watch a movie or window shop, but you're due for a mental reset. The best way you can achieve this is through immersing yourself in an unfamiliar place. Let your mind wander and flow as it will!

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

If you're in a professional partnership or a financial relationship with one or more of your family members, this could create unexpected issues for you now. Even though they're excited about something that they perceive to be a good deal, it may take your input to ensure they don't make a mistake with your shared resources. Do your best to encourage them to wait on any big monetary decisions for the time being. There's no need to rush, especially when it comes to business matters.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

Someone may create more work for you today, even if they meant well. This person probably wanted to help out when they signed you up for something or made a commitment on your behalf, but it might end up being more trouble for you than they realized. However, even though they made a blunder, it could still work out for you. Things that are a little messy now can also benefit you by setting you up in some way for future success.


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