Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for May 6, 2021

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for May 6, what’s in store for Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and traits which tell us a lot about a person’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds are in your favour today.

*Aries (March 21-April 20): 

A talented family member is likely to make a mark and add to your prestige. Favourable outcome may be expected on the academic front. Money comes from unexpected sources and helps you in going ahead with a much awaited purchase or a plan. Your expertise will help you in getting firmly established in the organisation. Health is set to improve for those feeling lethargic and weak.

Love Focus: Love blooms and promises to take you up the romantic path with the one you love!

Lucky Colour: Beige

Lucky Alphabet: M

Friendly Numbers: 8, 11, 15

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo

Be careful of: Scorpio

*Taurus (April 21-May 20): 

Some of you are likely to gain confidence for driving a bigger vehicle. If property is on your mind, expect an excellent bargain to come your way. Teaming up with some who is good in studies will be a step in the right direction on the academic front.

Wealth continues to come in a steady stream, thanks to good investments. You have the magic wand that will swing things in your favour on the professional front! Change in lifestyle is likely to benefit health as you get rid of not so good habits. A family youngster may require disciplining.

Love Focus: Romantic stars are on the ascendant, so expect your love life to improve considerably.

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Lucky Alphabet: R

Friendly Numbers: 4, 9, 13

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Cancer

Be careful of: Gemini

*Gemini (May 21-June 21): 

A property is likely to come into your possession soon. You will need to define your career goals clearly before deciding what to pursue on the academic front. A side business, you are so hopeful of, may stall and can undermine expected financial returns. You will be able to distinguish yourself on the professional front. Some health products will prove good for your system and help you come back in shape. You will be able to devote more time to family than usual.

Love Focus: A romantic evening with lover is indicated and will prove loads of fun.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 5,11,20

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Scorpio

Be careful of: Taurus

*Cancer (June 22-July 22): 

Someone in the family is likely to give support to your endeavours on the home front. Putting money in property now is likely to prove a goldmine at a later date. Someone’s support on the academic front may prove a godsend for you. Financial problems facing some are set to disappear. Someone’s timely advice is likely to help you keep good health. Newlyweds will be able to strike a good rapport with each other.

Love Focus: Young couples are likely to come closer by planning exclusive time together.

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Alphabet: T

Friendly Numbers: 2, 12, 24

Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Libra

Be careful of: Leo

*Leo (July 23-August 23): 

Possession of a house booked long back may come into your hands. Good performance on the academic front is likely to open many doors. Wealth comes your way in a most unexpected manner. A difficult task can come your way, but you will be able to complete it to the satisfaction of all. Those suffering from an ailment will find tremendous improvement in their condition

Love Focus: Those in a long-term relationship on the romantic front may experience a blissful existence.

Lucky Colour: Silver

Lucky Alphabet: N

Friendly Numbers: 6,14, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Aries

Be careful of: Cancer

*Virgo (August 24-September 23): 

Romance will remain on the top of the minds of those seeking love. Some of you may be busy doing up your place. Those on the lookout for a suitable property may get one at a bargain price. Financial condition is set to improve substantially. You will start enjoying professional life and will manage to impress all. A healthy option chosen by you promises to lead you to perfect fitness.

Love Focus: Listening to spouse’s advice may benefit you on the social front.

Lucky Colour: Light Green

Lucky Alphabet: P

Friendly Numbers: 4, 12, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Virgo

Be careful of: Scorpio

*Libra (September 24-October 23): 

Your enthusiasm is set to reign supreme on the home front. You will find excellent avenues opening up for you for owning property. This is your lucky day when everything that happens, happens in your favour! Intelligent investments on your part will help restore financial health. Your expertise will be much in demand and add to your reputation at work. You are ready to take on the world today as you feel fit and energetic!

Love Focus: An exciting time with lover is likely to prove most fulfilling.

Lucky Colour: Blue

Lucky Alphabet: V

Friendly Numbers: 1, 11, 20

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Sagittarius

Be careful of: Aries

*Scorpio (October 24-November 22): 

Things are likely to become easier for those trying to acquire property. An opportunity for job seekers is likely to appear on the horizon. Money may come to you from unexpected sources. There is someone waiting for you in the wings at work on whom you can totally rely, so chill. Good health is yours for the asking, as you become increasingly health conscious. A family reunion is on the cards and your participation will make it happen.

Love Focus: Romance comes back into your life through your undivided attention to the one you love.

Lucky Colour: Dark Yellow

Lucky Alphabet: G

Friendly Numbers: 6, 16, 22

Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Scorpio

Be careful of: Capricorn

*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): 

Being always available for the needy within the family is likely to prop up your social image. A college or office trip to a sightseeing place is possible today. Good rent for a property owned by you can be expected. Admission seekers will be on cloud nine very soon! Good networking will help you raise capital for a project. Completing a challenging task successfully will add to your professional reputation. Freedom from health problems is certain for those who are taking treatment.

Love Focus: There will be much excitement as romance transforms into matrimony.

Lucky Colour: Crimson

Lucky Alphabet: N

Friendly Numbers: 5, 15.

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

*Capricorn (December 22-January 21): 

Self-discipline on the dietary front will find you much fitter than before. You may blow hot and cold about a proposal for someone eligible in the family. Honesty and sincerity in whatever you do promise to take you places on the academic front. Investing in a scheme that does not seem lucrative at this point of time will finally prove profitable. A professionally a satisfying day is foreseen, when you will be able to complete all your tasks successfully.

Love Focus: Lover is likely to pour cold water on your romantic aspirations.

Lucky Colour: Deep Sky Blue

Lucky Alphabet: D

Friendly Numbers: 4, 10

Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Virgo

Be careful of: Pisces

*Aquarius (January 22-February 19): 

Some doubts may linger about the genuineness of a well-wisher in the family. You will be able to secure the rights of a property in your name. Support on the academic front will be most welcome.

A cash crunch will need to be overcome by tight budgeting. This is the right time to initiate something new at work. Health wise you will face the day with full energy and dynamism.

Love Focus: Become the initiator on the love front, if you want things to move forward!

Lucky Colour: Violet

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 2, 16

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

*Pisces (February 20-March 20): 

Something that you have started on the health front is likely to bring positive results. You may resent a family member trying to get his or her way on the social front. Your bid for a property is likely to be accepted and help bag a premium property. Those lagging behind in academics will manage to catch up. Taking expert advice for managing wealth will be a step in the right direction. You are likely to become a bundle of energy as you tackle both personal and professional fronts admirably.

Love Focus: Romance is likely to figure in your list of priorities.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 2, 16

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra

Be careful of: Taurus

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