Your April Horoscope Is Here, & These Are The Dates Everything Could Change

April is a fiery month that offers us a chance to boss up and change our lives for the better. The first major move of the month occurs on April 3, when talkative Mercury moves into Aries, heightening the passion in our communication. April 9 brings the karmic cosmic meetup between responsible Saturn and the Nodes of Destiny, which will cement our commitments. In the middle of the month, we’ll feel things starting to heat up: The Aries New Moon occurs on April 11, inspiring us to move towards who and what we love. And on April 14, tender Venus moves into Taurus, allowing us to seek comfort in all forms (wink, wink), while passionate Mars’ swim into sensitive Cancer, encouraging us to feel our desires on an emotional level. April 19 brings the start of Taurus Season and Mercury’s shift into Taurus, which will add a stubbornness to our views. We’ll have to focus on being more flexible to help matters evolve. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on April 26 and will push us to transform. The month ends with Pluto starting its planetary moonwalk on April 27. This retrograde will last until October 6, and it will awaken our spirituality and give us the strength to heal old wounds. 


This month, you’re opting not to wear your passions on your sleeve and dive into your fiery sentiments when expressing yourself. Don’t get us wrong, it’ll be hard to hold your thoughts back when Mercury aligns with your Sun on April 3. However, the new moon on April 11, coupled with Mars’s entrance into Cancer on April 23, will make you realize that there are better ways to let your feelings be known. Venus’s movement into Taurus on April 14 gives you the opportunity to set boundaries with those you love and yourself. As long as you hold yourself accountable for your actions and uphold the limits you’ve created with others, you’ll be able to avoid conflict during the Super Full Moon on April 26.


They say that April showers bring May flowers. In your case, Taurus, that phrase is true. The beginning of the month focuses on healing former wounds and heartaches, which will bring past emotions to surface (especially during April 11’s new moon). Diving into your subconscious can be triggering, which is why reaching out to a trusted friend will be helpful when Venus aligns with your Sun on April 14. You’ll want to do the same thing on April 19, when your solar return begins; talking things out will help you get your groove back. You’ll be ready to face matters and make a change for the better during the Super Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26, which serves as a powerful ending to toxic situations and relationships.


You’ll have a chance to connect with your squad this month, which will make your heart sing with utter glee. Being the social butterfly of the zodiac, you’ve missed having QT with all of your buddies. Mercury’s move into Aries on April 3 gives you the opportunity to have an emotional conversation with your besties and share the latest tea that you’ve heard. The New Moon on April 11 cements a much-needed restart with your crew. Taking a socially distanced walk or bike ride with them during the Supermoon on April 26  will get the spark flowing again. Just because you’ve been socially distant, doesn’t mean that you can’t connect. Pluto’s backspin, which begins on April 27, will get the job done in deepening your longtime friendships.


Sharing a selfie of you and your boo or crush on social media during April 11’s New Moon will bring you a lot of attention — most of which you don’t want. People are going to comment on what a lovely power couple you are together, which may bring up anxieties in your relationship for the next two weeks (they’ll hit a high on April 26’s Supermoon in Scorpio). The issue is that you don’t want all these eyes on your situationship, judging the partnership in good or bad ways. This will teach you to be extra-protective of your relationship, a lesson that will really sink in on April 27, when Pluto begins its backwards journey in the relationship sector of your chart.


April starts out on a chill note, which is great considering that your life is going to get super-busy. The Aries New Moon on April 11 is a magical time to manifest your professional goals. As you move through the month, you’ll see your career start to pick up — especially around April 19, when the Sun enters Taurus. Finding a balance that works for your life has been a struggle in the past. During the Scorpio Super Full Moon on April 26, the cosmos will urge you to spend the same amount of time on  personal affairs as you do on work. You should give equal energy to your home, family, and friends. After all, they’re people who are the most loyal to you.


This month is your time to recharge and transform. On April 3, Mercury, who’s your planetary ruler, enters passionate Aries, and the Aries New Moon follows on April 11. These intense cosmic shifts will give you a push to shed the past and rejuvenate. The caveat is that your friends may not grow at the speed as you, which will create conflicts. You may come close to losing your patience over their inability to evolve at your pace on April 19, when Mercury rolls into Taurus; first, try to have compassion. They’ll grow in their time, and they’re making moves to change. Embrace a new vibe that will limit the amount of energy you give others during April 26’s Full Moon. Now’s the time to focus on yourself. 


Love is on your brain, making you want to take the leap and commit to your SO  or, if you’re single, to hit up the dating sites and meet someone new. You may connect with cool people and engage in a few interesting conversations on April 3 and 9. Any situationships that develop could even lead to something more during the Aries New Moon on April 11. As long as you keep boundaries strong with your partner or crush, you will be able to strengthen the relationship on April 14, when Venus slinks into Taurus. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio will make you feel as though you’re on top of the world and on the right path in matters of the heart.


The month starts off strong as Mercury enters Aries on April 3, charging up your schedule with activities that you’ve put on the back burner. The New Moon on April 11 gives you the chance to have a little R & R (a nice moon bath with Epsom salt and fragrant flowers to reduce all the stresses in your life will do nicely). Not only will you melt away your anxieties by implementing self-care into your routine, but you’ll deepen intimate relationships as well, especially when the Sun enters Taurus on April 19. You’ll think clearer due to Mars’s ingress into Cancer on April 23 and Pluto’s moonwalk, which begins on April 27. April 26’s Supermoon will prove that the TLC you’ve given to yourself is working, due to your new, positive outlook.


Thoughts can become things. In your case, this applies to your artistry. This month, you have the opportunity to connect with your creative side — which is a desire and sentiment that will burn bright during the Aries New Moon on April 11. The spark of inspiration that lies inside of you will come out during this luminary, beckoning your talents to take flight. When Taurus Season begins on April 19, you’ll have the chance to bring your endeavors to reality. The Super Full Moon on April 26 helps you blend intuition with your gifts to make the ultimate vision. Pluto’s retrograde that begins on April 27 urges you to make money from your artistry, which is part of the next chapter of your dreams. 


It’s not that you’re jealous of your peers, Capricorn, but you often find yourself secretly wishing that you had their luck when it comes to certain situations. April 11’s Aries New Moon tempers your past resentments and gives insight into your deep-seated feelings. The Supermoon on April 26 allows you to see the errors of your thinking. Only clapping for those you care about when it suits you or rolling your eyes when they attain amazing things isn’t what a friend does. Don’t hate, strive to appreciate. Use Pluto’s planetary moonwalk (which begins on April 27) to your advantage and change your mindset. Instead of competing in your head and heart with those you care about, be a beacon of support and love to them.


Take a risk: Buy a lottery ticket, declare your sentiments for your boo or crush, or gamble on a new endeavor. Although you will be cautious around matters in love, April 9 (when Saturn aligns with the Nodes of Destiny) brings a fated moment with someone that will secure the relationship for the long-term. Be advised, there won’t be a big Hollywood declaration of feelings, but you’ll come together instead of moving apart during the Super Full Moon on April 26. After all, shoes were meant to be a pair, and you need your BFF (who’s also your lover) to act as your partner in crime. Let go of the fear within you during Pluto retrograde (which begins on April 27) to attain your desires.


It's time to start cracking on making sense out of your personal assets. In the past, managing your money has been confusing to you; the Aries New Moon that occurs on April 11 will offer you a fresh financial start. When Taurus Season rolls around, you will look for ways to manifest better spending habits, and you’ll find it easier to stick to them during the Super Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26. Getting your finances in order will take a bit of work and time. Consider hiring an advisor for help when Pluto retrograde commences to assist you in the future. This will help you plan for the future and create structure in your bank account. 

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