Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for April 22, 2021

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for April 22, 2021

All 12 signs in the zodiac calendar have their own personality traits. Horoscopes give us a hint about how the day is going to fare for all of us. Read on to know whether the odds will be in your favour today:

*Aries (March 21-April 20) 

Some of you may plan for DIY activities while revamping things for home. Academic front remains satisfactory as you forge successfully ahead. An excellent time talking to friends is indicated.

Good earning will enable you to enjoy an excellent quality of life. Rubbing shoulders with rivals and yet keeping your distance is an act only you can pull off! Health front remains excellent as you keep your dietary habits in check.

Love Focus: An ex-flame is likely to bring excitement back into your life!

Lucky Colour: Beige

Lucky Alphabet: A

Friendly Numbers: 14, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Scorpio

Be careful of: Leo

*Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

Caring for someone on the family front is likely to enhance your reputation socially. You will be able to promote your cause most convincingly on the academic front. Networking will be of immense help for those wanting a prized posting. A healthy bank balance will allow you to do a bit of splurging. Luck will certainly have a say in your completing a task in time. Healthy options will lead to perfect health.

Love Focus: Much romancing is foreseen, as you catch lover in just the right mood!

Lucky Colour: Coffee

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 6, 9

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Sagittarius

Be careful of: Scorpio

*Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

Someone from abroad or out of town is likely to speak to you. Returns from a property will add to your financial strength. On the academic front, you are likely to become one of the achievers. Some anxious moments can be encountered by those in the political arena. At the present moment, you may not afford to be too liberal with money. You are likely to enjoy good health by following your own exercise regimen.

Love Focus: You may find partner in romantic mood today, so go with the flow!

Lucky Colour: Cream

Lucky Alphabet: G

Friendly Numbers: 4, 11

Friendly Zodiac Today: Capricorn & Leo

Be careful of: Virgo

*Cancer (June 22-July 22) 

On the academic front, your prayers are likely to get answered and set your worst fears at rest. You are likely to assist someone who is trying to make a mark in a specific field. A previous investment will start giving handsome returns. A good break on the business front is foreseen for some. Avoid fat-rich foods to remain healthy. Keeping everyone happy at home may be your motto today.

Love Focus: Not getting positive signals from the one you secretly love may frustrate you.

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

Lucky Alphabet: V

Friendly Numbers: 1, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Cancer

Be careful of: Libra

*Leo (July 23-August 23) 

An enjoyable time is foreseen at home. Property matters causing tensions are likely to be resolved amicably. This is a favourable time on the academic front, when you manage to give your best. Your correct judgement and decisiveness is likely to salvage an irretrievable situation.

Financial front is all set to stabilise as money starts flows in. Those prone to making errors will need to watch their step at work. Selective eating will keep you fit as a fiddle.

Love Focus: Those in love get to enjoy the day in a most romantic way!

Lucky Colour: Light Pink

Lucky Alphabet: Y

Friendly Numbers: 23, 25

Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Cancer

Be careful of: Sagittarius

*Virgo (August 24-September 23) 

Differences with spouse over something trivial need to be sorted out, before it becomes a big issue. An out of town trip with family may get postponed to some other date. An assignment submitted on the academic front may come in for praise. A piece of good news awaits you on the social front; it can be a wedding or arrival of a baby.

You may go ahead with financial deals or transactions, as the day appears favourable. Those overworked are likely to crave a break. Those ailing are likely to make a miraculous recovery.

Love Focus: You may find love where you least expects it, so rejoice!

Lucky Colour: Peach

Lucky Alphabet: M

Friendly Numbers: 19, 21

Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Libra

Be careful of: Capricorn

* Libra (September 24-October 23)

Those thinking of buying or selling a property may need to wait for some more time. Those sitting for competitions will be able to maintain their focus and put in their bit to clear the same. Better understanding prevails on the marital front to make the relationship rock! Financial worries will disappear by remaining tight-fisted. Some of you can be lauded for professional excellence. You may neglect health due to your busy schedule. An urgent domestic work gets completed. You may be inclined to spiritually elevate yourself today.

Love Focus: Romance is in the air and promises immense fulfillment.

Lucky Colour: Rose

Lucky Alphabet: B

Friendly Numbers: 11, 22

Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Sagittarius

Be careful of: Leo

*Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Family life remains most satisfying. It will be important to keep your mind at things at hand on the academic front and put an end to daydreaming! Some positive steps on your part can be instrumental in enhancing your reputation on the social front. Financial stability is assured only if you don’t splurge. Overdoing things on the professional front is best avoided as you can step on others’ toes. Concerted efforts may be able to get rid of an ailment.

Love Focus: Romance for some may just be a phone call away!

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Lucky Alphabet: L

Friendly Numbers: 14, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aquarius & Libra

Be careful of: Cancer

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) 

Family will be supportive and provide full encouragement in your efforts. Those freshly out of college may get a chance to opt for higher studies. Getting quality time at home will help in focussing on activities that appeal to you. Financial boom may find your coffers brimming. Those struggling to find a solution to a workplace problem will succeed. Self-control and an active life are likely to have positive fallout on your health.

Love Focus: Love is in the air for those looking for it.

Lucky Colour: Saffron

Lucky Alphabet: B

Friendly Numbers: 6, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Gemini

Be careful of: Aries

*Capricorn (December 22-January 21) 

Some family issues may need urgent resolution, so don’t neglect them. Someone’s advice is likely to save you money in a property deal. Clarity of mind and retentive power will help you progress on the academic front.

Financial planning may remain on paper as you opt to splurge. Things at work turn out favourable as you implement some new ideas. Those feeling down will recover and become healthy again.

Love Focus: Passing acquaintance with someone from the opposite camp shows all signs of turning romantic!

Lucky Colour: Light Yellow

Lucky Alphabet: J

Friendly Numbers: 14, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Taurus

Be careful of: Sagittarius

*Aquarius (January 22-February 19) 

You may want to speak to someone you have not spoken since long. Desire to travel out of town may need to be put on hold. You are likely to be entrusted with an urgent assignment on the academic front.

Keep your expenditure under control. Those who have stepped into the arena of social work will need to maintain their tempo. An excellent line of treatment is likely to rid you of an old ailment.

Love Focus: Romance rocks today as the one you like makes the first move to connect with you.

Lucky Colour: Coffee

Lucky Alphabet: P

Friendly Numbers: 2, 6, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Taurus

Be careful of: Scorpio

*Pisces (February 20-March 20) 

Something pending on the home front may be taken up in the right earnest. Despite networking, something desired on the academic front may become unattainable. The old chemistry may be missing while talking to an old friend. Moneywise you remain on a safe wicket. Professionally you are likely to excel and rub shoulders with the best. Those unwell will be on the road to recovery.

Love Focus: Love life may need rekindling.

Lucky Colour: Light Purple

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 20, 22

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Gemini

Be careful of: Cancer

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