Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for April 19 2021

All 12 signs in the zodiac calendar have their own personality traits. Horoscopes give us a hint about how the day is going to fare for all of us. Read on to know whether the odds will be in your favour today:

*Aries (March 21-April 20) 

Young couples are likely to undertake an exciting journey soon. Students will be able to concentrate better by improving company and study environment. Philanthropy may be topmost on your mind.

You will remain on a solid wicket as far as finances are concerned. Some desperate measures on the job front are in the offing, but you will not be affected. Health wise you are likely to remain perfectly fit and energetic.

Love Focus: Your marital life is likely to cruise along smoothly.

Lucky Colour: Lemon

Lucky Alphabet: M

Friendly Numbers: 16,18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Capricorn

Be careful of: Libra

* Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

Peace and tranquility is foreseen on the family front. House owners may find a suitable tenant for their property. Your sympathetic attitude towards someone in need will prove great emotional support.

Good budgeting and judicious spending will find you saving much. This is not the right time to disclose your business intentions; keep your competitors guessing. Mental stress will become a thing of the past.

Love Focus: Spending quality time with lover cannot be ruled out.

Lucky Colour: Forest Green

Lucky Alphabet: N

Friendly Numbers: 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aquarius

Be careful of: Virgo

* Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

Young couples are likely to build a better understanding amongst themselves. If buying property is on your mind, you are likely to find something that suits your pocket. You will be able to achieve more than expected on the academic front. You are likely to earn well and will be able to raise your quality of life. Impressing the interviewer will be important for the job seekers. Appropriate diet and remaining active will find you in excellent health. Celebrating someone’s success cannot be ruled out.

Love Focus: Stars appear strong for the eligible for getting a suitable matrimonial alliance.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9

Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Sagittarius

Be careful of: Capricorn

*Cancer (June 22-July 22) 

A diet plan adopted recently will suit your system well. An angry family member will need to be pacified by doing his or her bidding. Your frustration is likely to turn to happiness, as you manage to get a sympathetic ear of people around. Financially, you may not face any hardship, as money comes in steady stream. You will be able to give an excellent account of yourself at work and be praised for the same.

Love Focus: Something you only fantasise about on the romantic front is likely to be realized soon!

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Lucky Alphabet: V

Friendly Numbers: 8, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra

Be careful of: Aquarius

*Leo (July 23-August 23) 

Support of family will encourage you to take up a challenge. Those living on rent will soon be able to own their own house. A gift or surprise from someone close is likely to lift your spirits. Financially, you may not be in a mood to incur any heavy expenditure. Your presence of mind is likely to bring in new clients and help the business grow. An old ailment may get healed through home remedy.

Love Focus: Old ideas may not work to rekindle your love life.

Lucky Colour: Cream

Lucky Alphabet: H

Friendly Numbers: 11, 15

Friendly Zodiac Today: Virgo & Aquarius

Be careful of: Gemini

*Virgo (August 24-September 23) 

Much sharing and caring is foreseen on the family front as you get to spend time with them. Plans to renovate the house may need to be put on hold. Fun time is foreseen for those talking to friends today.

You will have the money to put into something big. It will be a satisfying day for you both personally and professionally. Switching over to healthy food will be in your favour for retaining good health.

Love Focus: Lover is likely to say YES to whatever you say!

Lucky Colour: Light Brown

Lucky Alphabet: P

Friendly Numbers: 9, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Libra

Be careful of: Leo

* Libra (September 24-October 23) 

Those awaiting results are assured of succeeding with flying colours. If you are preparing for a crucial event, you can blindly bank upon the support of friends and well wishers. Those who have applied for a home loan will manage to complete the paper work. Light workout and walks will keep you in a fine fettle. Your efforts on the professional front will be recognised.

Love Focus: Lover may plan a surprise for you on the romantic front and get you all excited.

Lucky Colour: Deep Sky Blue

Lucky Alphabet: D

Friendly Numbers: 5, 10

Friendly Zodiac Today: Gemini & Libra

Be careful of: Aries

* Scorpio (October 24-November 22) 

Changes brought about in your lifestyle will benefit health. Family life may prove most fulfilling, as spouse extends all the support to you. Students need to have a more focussed approach to beat the competition. Incurring a heavy expenditure is not likely to deter you as you are confident of filling up your coffers once again. Diplomacy is the key for diffusing an ugly situation at work.

Love Focus: You may find partner in romantic mood today, so go with the flow!

Lucky Colour: Lime Green

Lucky Alphabet: R

Friendly Numbers: 1, 11

Friendly Zodiac Today: Taurus & Scorpio

Be careful of: Cancer

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) 

Changes in the travel plans are likely. Buying a property may be on your mind but you may still have to wait for some more time. Plans to organize an event or function may need to be postponed.

There is no looking back for you in both personal and professional spheres. An ailment may show signs of disappearing. Time spent with the family is likely to motivate you.

Love Focus: Wedding dates may need to be postponed.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 6. 16

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo

Be careful of: Scorpio

* Capricorn (December 22-January 21) 

A business tour may required to be called off. You will be able to promote your cause most convincingly on the academic front. You would be able to cheer up someone who is feeling low. Your investments are likely to give good returns. Mental stress plaguing some is set to disappear. Things start looking up for builders and real estate agents. Video calls with friends and relatives you have not met for sometime now is likely to brighten your day.

Love Focus: You are likely to get lucky with regard to both money and love today.

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Alphabet: A

Friendly Numbers: 18, 20

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Pisces

Be careful of: Taurus

* Aquarius (January 22-February 19) 

You will need to remain sensitive to the moods of spouse or a family elder. Your balanced approach will help resolve a property matter amicably. Your pleasing manners and a balanced approach to problems will endear you to someone important on the academic front.

A capital intensive venture may get you into two minds on the financial front. Your professional skills are likely to be acknowledged at work. A dietary change is likely to prove good for your health.

Love Focus: An exciting conversation with the lover is likely to make your day.

Lucky Colour: Crimson

Lucky Alphabet: U

Friendly Numbers: 12, 14

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Gemini

Be careful of: Leo

* Pisces (February 20-March 20) 

Those unwell may find the recovery slow despite medication. Renovation or changes on the home front may be on your mind. Those seeking a break from the routine can plan to connect with some old friends. Keeping close tabs on someone on the academic front will be to your advantage. Your gut feeling about a financial issue is likely to prove right. Explaining things in detail to a superior will help in clearing a misunderstanding at work.

Love Focus: Lover may demand time and attention; so do not disappoint.

Lucky Colour: Grey

Lucky Alphabet: Y

Friendly Numbers: 15, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Capricorn

Be careful of: Gemini

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