Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for April 13, for  zodiac signs

All 12 signs in the zodiac calendar have their individual personality traits and characteristics. Horoscopes give a hint about how our day is going to fare for all of us. Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today:

* Aries (March 21-April 20): 

Financially, it is better to remain a bit conservative. The raise you had been expecting will become a reality soon. You may adopt a healthy routine. Family will be loving and caring and extend all the help required. A countryside trip with friends and family may need to be postponed to a future date. Decisions taken about a property matter now will be important. Your social nature would benefit someone raise good funds.

Love Focus: Positive signals from partner will be cue enough to take your romance to the next level!

Lucky Number:1

Lucky Colour: Light Brown

* Taurus (April 21-May 20): 

Problems faced on the financial front will soon be resolved. You manage to effectively overcome a competitive situation at work. Issues on the health front are likely to become a thing of the past for some. Some more efforts and hard work will be required by those preparing for a crucial competition. Some of you will need to regain lost ground on the academic front by burning the midnight oil.

Love Focus: Love life seems quite satisfying as you enjoy lover’s company.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Chocolate

* Gemini (May 21-July 21): 

Minting money through a scheme cannot be ruled out for some. Your man management skills may need to be honed, if you want to remain effective at work. If you can take care of your health today, you are certain to enjoy the day to the hilt! You will give your bit to bring harmony and peace on the domestic front. Your performance on the academic front will need improvement.

Love Focus: Newlyweds are likely to experience total bliss.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Lavender

* Cancer (July 22-July 22): 

Take care of what you say or do at work. Professional advice will help in choosing the right course. You may need to remain a bit cautious on the financial front. Those suffering from depressing thoughts are likely to bring positivity into their lives. Spouse may keep you on your toes, but this is something that you just cannot escape. Students pursuing medicine or engineering can find the going a bit rough.

Love Focus: A budding romance is likely to give immense joy.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Silver

* Leo (July 23-August 23): 

You will need to start saving now to avoid problems later. Some of you will manage to establish yourself firmly on the professional front. You will be able to make the most of the cool mornings by taking up a physical regimen. You are likely to hear of a property being sold at a good bargain price. New fields will interest you on the academic front, but will need your complete focus. This is a good day to start something new.

Love Focus: Lover will have much to share with you and will keep you entertained.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

* Virgo (August 24-September 23): 

Good financial condition will elevate you from window shopping to actual shopping! Your skills are likely to bring you to the notice of people who matter. A medical condition suffered by some will show signs of improving. Support from the family is assured and will help you in doing better in your field. This is the day when you can expect luck to favour you.

Love Focus: Attending a function can pave the way for long-term romance.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Bronze Yellow

* Libra (September 24-October 23): 

Your pursuit for financial well-being is likely to be richly rewarded. Opportunity you had been waiting for may not come your way. Those unduly worried about their health can lay their fears to rest, as everything seems okay. A family issue may need to be deliberated upon, so that it does not disturb domestic harmony. You need to be careful on the road. Your firm resolve to perform well will not let you waver from your focus on the professional or academic front.

Love Focus: You may feel like spending time with a loved one today.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

* Scorpio (October 24-November 22): 

Good financial management will steer you clear of dire straits and contribute towards savings too. You are likely to remain tied up at work with extra workload. Light workout will do wonders for those unable to do anything strenuous on the fitness front. Always being available for the family is likely to keep the members happy and contented. You will excel on the academic front.

Love Focus: Falling in love is a distinct possibility for the lonely hearts.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Silver

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): 

Financial security will make you more confident in the present environment. Those working in call centers or hospitality sector can have their hands full. You may find it impossible to continue with an exercise regimen. Some excitement is indicated on the domestic front concerning a family youngster. A property issue may make you tense. Those planning to learn to drive or swim will still need to wait for some more time.

Love Focus: You will need to be realistic in giving time for a meeting to avoid getting delayed.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Lemon

* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): 

You will be able to raise capital for diversifying or starting something new. Unwavering focus will help you wrap up a lot of work today. Some of you are about to discover the fun element of exercising. You may have to cater to some relations at the expense of your other plans. News of moving to a new location on transfer is likely for some. An online get together would prove quite interesting and enjoyable.

Love Focus: A current situation can force you to keep romance on the backburner.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Coffee

* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): 

An employer’s promise for a bonus or increment is likely to uplift your spirits. A business partner or associate will prove a godsend for some. Active lifestyle will help keep minor ailments at bay. Family will remain a priority for you and you will do much to provide the right guidance to a child or a young sibling. A noble cause is likely to attract your attention for contributing in it. Old memories may keep you mentally preoccupied.

Love Focus: Differences may crop up on the marital front if not careful.

Lucky Number:15

Lucky Colour: Cream

* Pisces (February 20-March 20): 

You will need to be a bit tight-fisted in money matters. Those not doing well in profession or academics will find their focus and improve. A new exercise routine will work fine in improving your health. Some of you can insist on organising a party or a get-together at home. You may not get a chance to proceed on a planned vacation. Some of you will be able to add to your wealth and even plan to buy property.

Love Focus: Moodiness of lover threatens to spoil a romantic evening out.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Maroon

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