Daily Horoscope for April 10: Astrological Prediction for Zodiac

All zodiac signs have particular personality traits and characteristics. Horoscopes give a hint about how our day is going to fare for all of us, so read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today:

* Aries (March 21-April 20): 
Those in the defence forces can be assigned a tough job. Family will be most caring and do much to make you comfortable. A long journey you had been looking forward to may have to be put on hold! An academic achievement will load the dice in your favour. Someone’s expertise may come in handy in achieving what you have in mind. Sportspersons may crave for improving their form and game. A good day is seen for writers, painters and poets.

Love Focus: You are likely to cherish your moments with lover today.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Brown

* Taurus (April 21-May 20): 
Professionals will find the day quite satisfactory. But, the same cannot be said about business owners, especially where profits are concerned. You will find it hard to curb expenses. You will be able to achieve perfect fitness by maintaining current pace. Despite hectic schedule you will manage to find time for family. Looking at pictures of some memorable trips are likely to rejuvenate you. Youngsters may find a fun activity most engaging.

Love Focus: Mutual attraction may lead to budding romance for some.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Violet

* Gemini (May 21-July 21): 
Money will pose no problems, but you must get into the habit of saving. Recruiters will need extra efforts to attract the right candidates. A new exercise regime and modern techniques will help you in coming back in shape. You may crave for your own space at home. Smooth going is indicated for those on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. Property investments may need to be kept on hold for some time. Remaining in touch with your feelings and emotions is likely to make you a sensitive person.

Love Focus: Late night video calls or long chats is likely to keep you occupied today.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Orange

* Cancer (July 22-July 22): 
Intelligent investments on your part will help restore financial health. Those thinking of switching jobs should wait and watch. A new health fad may need some adjustments, before it gives positive results on the health front. Spouse may decide to accompany you someplace, but may not be his or her chirpy self. Those planning to do some online courses are likely to enrol themselves today. Organising something on the home front is possible.

Love Focus: Romance is likely to enter your life and promises to make things exciting.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Silver Grey

* Leo (July 23-August 23): 
Those aiming for becoming doctors, engineers or business administrators will find the day promising. Financially, the day looks to be just fine. Despite your misgivings, you retain good health. Those not in town will soon get an opportunity to meet their near and dear ones. Good preparation will find students performing well in an exam or competition.

Love Focus: Chances are bright to catch somebody’s eye and set out on a romantic journey!

Lucky Number:7

Lucky Colour: Purple

* Virgo (August 24-September 23): Understand the monetary terms and conditions before acknowledging any online agreement. You are efficiency-personified and will be all geared up to wrap up all the pending work. Following a healthy diet will be a good idea. A celebration on the domestic front is in the offing and will keep you in an upbeat mood. Organising a video chat with friends or relatives is likely to make the day fun filled.

Love Focus: Romantic feelings may dominate you today.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Blue

* Libra (September 24-October 23): 
Your communication skills and persuasiveness is likely to help you win a business deal. Starting a new exercise regimen is on the cards for some. Some of you may plan to start penning their experiences for visiting different locations. Help on the academic front will be required soon. A control over your finances would help you save for a rainy day.

Love Focus: Heart-to-heart talk with lover will help you get rid of an emotional burden.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Light Red

* Scorpio (October 24-November 22): 
An investment opportunity is best seized, as it appears to be good. A pending project will be put back on the tracks through your endeavours. Focussing on health now will help you in keeping physically fit. Your achievements can relate parents and the family. Be vigilant so as not to compromise your security and that of the house you live in. Students are likely to shine on the academic front.

Love Focus: Love bug bites as someone of the opposite gender makes you go weak in the knees!

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Magenta

* Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Those on a buying spree can overspend on some good bargains. Getting the benefit of doubt in a workplace slip-up appears possible. Just by being regular in your workouts will help keep ailments away. Those on house-hunting spree may have to wait for some more time. A friend or relative may show concern and desperation to see you. A property issue is likely to be decided in your favour. Those spiritually inclined may find solace in meditation.

Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours are likely to bear fruit and how!

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Coffee

* Capricorn (December 22-January 21): You will be much talked about at work for your practical approach in tackling things. Some of you are likely to develop an Interest in health foods. Those working for a social cause may get hard pressed for funds. Sharing love and togetherness with family is foretold. Students will excel by providing full focus to the work at hand. Outdoor activities are better left for some other day.

Love Focus: Your platonic love may not remain platonic for long, so savour a romantic reincarnation!

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Cream

* Aquarius (January 22-February 19): Financial troubles for those in debt are set to be over soon. Working women may have to be at their convincing best to share the household responsibilities with the spouse. Heeding the advice of a well-wisher on the health front is likely to find you fit and energetic. Exciting times are foreseen for some on the domestic front. A financial tip may prove profitable and get you some good business. Active participation on the social front is indicated for some.

Love Focus: Love happens, so don’t waste too much time looking for it!

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Coffee

* Pisces (February 20-March 20): 
Those planning to buy a vehicle may find it difficult to raise a loan. This is not the day to take any liberties on the professional front. Exercising self-discipline regarding food and drink will be important, if you want to remain in good health. Parents may appear more than happy with what you deliver. Things turn favourable for you on the academic front.

Love Focus: You are likely to enjoy your moments with someone special.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Purple

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